I've upgraded to Clever Credit 2.7 from an older version and cannot find some of the screens I normally use, where are they?

As part of the Clever Credit 2.7 release old screen names which included "Clever Credit" have been changed to "Credit Control", e.g. "Clever Credit Interactions" has become "Credit Control Interactions".

It is important to note that the "Clever Credit" screen name has been changed to "Customer Credit Status".

Would having all the Credit Control To–Do’s in one list get confusing when trying to find out who needs to chase what?

No, individual credit controller dashboards help each of your team to keep on top of their specific accounts and outstanding balances. Follow up calls/to-dos are automatically diarised and visible in each team members dashboards to remind them when to chase promised payments.

Can I set certain customers to be exempt from the credit rules?

Yes, there is a Clever Credit FastTab on the customer card, which allows you to set different rules for individual customers.

Can all users see the documents that are on Credit hold?

There are many ways in which a user can see a document which is on credit held.

The first place that it can be seen is on the Sales Document header itself. There is a field called Order Status, which indicates the state of the document.

Another area in which users can go to find out which documents are on hold is through the Credit Held List. Doing this they will be able to see all Sales Documents being held.

They can also navigate to the Credit Held List via the Manage Status button on the Sales document ribbon. Doing it this way will filter the credit held list to the sales document in which they have navigated from.

Once a Credit Control To-Do has been completed how do I remove it?

You don’t need to deal with the manual task of completing to-do’s once a process has been completed, i.e. a cash receipt journal has been posted against a customer ledger entry, the to do will disappear as the task has been completed and no further action is required.

Doesn’t holding the document slow the sales process down?

At first it may seem that way, but over time with the right credit rules in place it will reduce the customers risk of late payments in the first place that would have put them on hold.

We use deal with different currency and use exchange rates will clever credit work for us?

Yes, but be aware of currency fluctuations. These will factor into how many times a document needs to be credit held. If a Sales Order is being Credit Held unexpectedly, particularly after it has already been Credit Released once, it may be related to a currency fluctuation. When releasing/shipping & invoicing an error pops up that the order needs to be credit held again, which is correct as the value has increased due to the exchange rate.

Does your App integrate with other systems?

Integration to Office365 and Skype for Business means actioning follow-up calls or emails to chase for payment are just a click away.

Can a Sales document be held even after its been credit released?

When a document is credit held it sits in the Credit Held screen. Once released it will move to the Credit Released screen and the Sales Order status will be changed to Credit Released. From the Credit Released screen users can then highlight the document and click on the Hold button. This process means that you don’t have to reopen or modify the sales document in any way to force it back through the credit held process.

I am looking at the Credit Control To-Do’s and can see a To-do for a customer that is not visible in the Customer Credit Status screen, how is this possible?

This is most likely because the Clever Credit has been filtered to a specific credit controller. It could be that the customer is assigned to a different credit controller.

NB: Removing the filter from the page won’t clear the filter completely as by default the screen will filter to the default credit controller if one has been set in the Clever Credit Setup page.

The Clever Credit Statistics box doesn’t show a figure in the No. of To-Dos for a customer even though I know there is one from them?

Only Open To-Dos will show in here, if you click on the figure and clear the filter applied to the field Open, the To-do(s) will most likely appear.

One of my clients is going to be using Clever Credit, and their credit control office has a setup with a credit control manager that runs the office, with several other credit controllers reporting to her. How can the manager view information for everyone?

On the Customer Credit Status screen there is an Options button. If you click on that it gives you a couple of extra filters to the page. One of them includes the Credit Controller filter. The supervisor can filter the list to which ever credit controller customers they need to look at, and the list will be filtered based on which customers have been assigned to them.

As well as assigning credit controllers to customers, she needs to be able to review the performance of the individual credit controllers, so in effect look at the Customer Credit Status page as if she was another credit controller. How can this be achieved?

You should note that when you log in (if you are credit controller) and have customers assigned to you the list will be automatically filtered on opening the page. If you are a credit controller and don’t have any customers, then the list will show all customers.

This means that if someone goes on leave then the list can be filtered so show their customers for someone else to manage.

On the Customer Credit Status screen, I have noticed that there are different colors and fonts against some of the balances. What do they mean?

It is simply an indication of how far along the entries are in the ageing bands. The longer the overdue balance the bolder and brighter in red the colour gets. This is to indicate to users straight away which customers they need to be focusing on.