The Fields available on the Clever Device Framework Setup area will also need to be considered when setting up Clever WMS Devices.


General FastTab

Supported Device Framework

This Field displays the minimum supported Clever WMS Device Framework version.

Logging Level

This Field should be used to control the amount of data which is recorded in the Clever Device Log when processing transactions on a Device.  Please refer to this Page for more information Clever Device Log

The options to select from are:

None - No transaction data will be recorded in the Clever Device Log

Basic - The transaction data recorded will only be a basic level and will not record as much information as the Verbose level.

Verbose - The transaction data recorded will record everything that happens.  Selecting this option will obviously increase the Table size as more detail will be recorded so you should consider it carefully. 

Keep Logs For

This Field is hidden by default but can be added to the Page where required.  Please refer to this Page for more information Clever Device Log

Retention Policy Wizard

If you select this option, then you will be able to run the Retention Policy Wizard which will assist you with setting up Retention Policies for the Clever Device Log.  Please refer to this Page for more information Clever Device Log

In addition to the above, the Retention Policy Wizard can also be run from the Assisted Setup area in Business Central

Barcode Processing

Please refer to this Page for more information On-Server Barcode Processing

Data Format

Please refer to this Page for more information Data Format

Voice Setting FastTab

Please refer to this Page for more information Clever Dynamics - Voice Setup