The Lot and Serial Tracking FastTabs are required when Lot and Serial tracking is used in your Business Process.  

Lot Tracking FastTab

Passed Lot Status is a dropdown field looking up to the "Tracking Code Status List" (also available from the "Role Center"). Any codes stored in this list will only display as options for the Passed Lot Status where Block Lot is not ticked. Select the code you want to be stored against the Lot's when a "Quality Order" passes. 

Failed Lot Status is also linked to the "Tracking code Status List" but any options from this dropdown will display where Block Lot is ticked. Select the code you want to be stored against the Lot's that fail. 

Concession Lot Status looks up to the same table and will display the same codes as the Passed Lot Status. Select the code you want to use for any "Quality Orders" that will have the Confirmed Result of 'Concession

Lot No Status Editable Toggle. Providing you have the required "Permission Sets", you can change the Status on the Lot card. This being turned 'On' will allow the Lot No Information card to be edited. This is useful if a Lot Number is blocked due to it failing a Quality check but as a business, you still want to use this as a one off. The User can then change the Lot's status on the "Lot No Information Card" to cater for this. 

Serial Tracking FastTab

Passed Serial Status is a dropdown field looking up to the "Tracking Code Status List" (also available from the "Role Center") Any codes stored in this list will only display as options for the Passed Serial Status where Block Serial is not ticked. Select the code you want to be stored against the Serial number when a "Quality Order" passes. 

Failed Serial Status is also linked to the "Tracking code Status List" but any options from this dropdown will display where Block Serial is ticked. Select the code you want to be stored against the Serial Number that fails. 

Concession Serial Status looks up to the same table and will display the same codes as the Passed Serial Status. Select the code you want to use for any "Quality Orders" that will have the Confirmed Result of 'Concession'

Serial No Status Editable Toggle. Providing you have the required "Permission Sets", you can change the Status on the Serial card. This being turned 'On' will allow the Serial No Information card to be edited. This is useful if a Serial Number is blocked due to it failing a Quality check but as a business, you still want to use this as a one off. The User can then change the Lot's status on the "Serial No Information Card" to cater for this.