When you are adding a new step to a Route Status List, there are a number of status types available as part of the Clever Shipment Management application.
When creating the Route Status List the following options will be available to select from.
Title Only
Creates a status with no system actions to perform. This can be useful if you want to insert a manual process in the status list. The description can be renamed as required.
Create Shipments
Creates Warehouse Shipments to fulfil the requirements of the shipment management route.
Create Consolidated Shipments
Creates consolidated Warehouse Shipments to fulfil the requirements of the shipment management route. A consolidated shipment will create one warehouse shipment for all items on the route. This option can be useful if you want to pick and load a vehicle in a specific order depending on the drop sequence.
Post Shipments
Posts Warehouse Shipments created for the route in the Create Receipts status. This step will be automatically processed if the last Warehouse Shipment relating to the route is posted either using the warehouse document or Clever WMS Devices.
Delete Unfulfilled Shipments
Deletes any warehouse shipments that could not be fulfilled either in part or fully. This scenario may arise if you have insufficient stock or there is an issue picking the stock. Items that are unfulfilled will remain on back-order on the source document.
Create Receipts
Creates Warehouse Receipts to fulfil the requirements of the shipment management route.
Post Receipts
Posts Warehouse Receipts created for the route in the Create Receipts status. This step will be automatically processed if the last Warehouse Receipt relating to the route is posted either using the warehouse document or Clever WMS Devices.
Create Picks
Creates either Warehouse Picks or Inventory Picks to fulfil the requirements of the shipment management route.
Create Picks (Per Zone)
If using a location set as Directed Put-Away and Pick, creates a Warehouse Pick per Warehouse Zone to fulfil the requirements of the shipment management route.
Create Picks (Per Zone and Bin)
If using a location set as Directed Put-Away and Pick, creates a Warehouse Pick per Warehouse Zone and Bin to fulfil the requirements of the shipment management route.
Print Picks **
Prints the pick document for either a warehouse pick or inventory pick. This status may not be required if you are using handheld for warehouse to process pick documents. The status can only be utilised once the picks have been created. You may use Clever Printer Selections to control where these document are printed.
Register Picks
Either Registers Warehouse Picks or Posts Inventory Picks created for the route in the Create Picks status. This step will be automatically processed if the last pick document relating to the route is registered either using the warehouse document or Clever WMS Devices.
Create Put-aways
Creates either Warehouse Put-aways or Inventory Put-aways to fulfil the requirements of the shipment management route.
Print Put-aways **
Prints the put-away document for either a warehouse put-away or inventory put-away. This status may not be required if you are using handheld for warehouse to process put-away documents. The status can only be utilised once the put-aways have been created. You may use Clever Printer Selections to control where these documents are printed.
Register Put-aways
Either Registers Warehouse Put-aways or Posts Inventory Put-aways created for the route in the Create Put-aways status. This step will be automatically processed if the last put-away document relating to the route is registered either using the warehouse document or Clever WMS Devices.
Reserve Inventory
Reserves inventory on outbound documents that relate to the shipment management route. This is useful if there is a delay between planning the route and creating the warehouse documents and you want to ensure the stock is available to fulfil the requirements of the route. This status may not be required if you are only adding source document to a route once they are reserved.
Print Documentation **
Prints documents specified in the report selections of the status line, such as a picking note or shipment note. As the documents are set against individual status sets, you can specify different documents based on the combination of Location Code, Shipping Agent and Shipping Agent Service. If you also have Clever Document Delivery installed you may, optionally, send these documents using Clever Document Delivery. You may also use Clever Printer Selections to control where these documents are printed.
Print Manifest **
Prints a shipping manifest. This will typically only be used if shipping using your own logistics and not using a POD integration such as PODFather. If you wish to use a custom layout for the shipping manifest this can be set in the report selections in the Shipment management Setup. You may use Clever Printer Selections to control where this documents is printed.
Create Production Orders
Creates Production Orders for items on the route that have a Replenishment System of Production Order and a Manufacturing Policy of Make-to-Order. If using a make-to-order scenario this status must be used in conjunction with the Finish Production Orders Status and utilised before creating picks.
Finish Production Orders
Sets the status of any Production Orders created using the Create Production Orders status in a make-to-order scenario to Finished. Output and consumption of the production order should be completed prior to the status. This step will be automatically processed if the last production order relating to the route is finished by changing the production order status
Complete Assembly |
Updates a Warehouse Shipment or Inventory Pick to complete assembly for items on the route that have a Replenishment System of Assembly and an Assembly Policy of Assemble-to-Order. If using an assemble-to-order scenario this status must be utilised prior to the Post Shipments (for Warehouse Shipments) or Register Picks (for Inventory Picks).
Vehicle Weight Check
Checks the weight of the vehicle taking into account the drops the vehicle will be making. If using your own logistics this status can be used to prevent progress of a route at any point if the maximum weight of the vehicle has been exceeded. The maximum weight will be exceeded if the unladen weight of the vehicle plus the weight of the items on the drops exceeds the gross weight of the vehicle.
Vehicle Assigned Check
Checks that a vehicle has been assigned to the route. If using your own logistics this status can be used to prevent progress of a route at any point if the vehicle has not been selected.
Driver Assigned Check
Checks that a driver has been assigned to the route. If using your own logistics this status can be used to prevent progress of a route at any point if the driver has not been selected.
Outstanding Warehouse Shipments Lines Check
Checks that there are no outstanding Warehouse Shipments relating to the route. This check can be used to prevent progress of a route at any point if there are outstanding shipment documents that have not been posted.
Outstanding Warehouse Receipts Lines Check
Checks that there are no outstanding Warehouse Receipts relating to the route. This check can be used to prevent progress of a route at any point if there are outstanding receipt documents that have not been posted.
Outstanding Pick Lines Check
Checks that there are no outstanding Warehouse Picks or Inventory Picks relating to the route. This check can be used to prevent progress of a route at any point if there are outstanding pick documents that have not been registered. |
Outstanding Put-away Lines Check
Checks that there are no outstanding Warehouse Put-aways or Inventory Put-aways relating to the route. This check can be used to prevent progress of a route at any point if there are outstanding put-away documents that have not been registered.
Time Slots Booked Check
Checks that there are no drops on the route where the customer/vendor requires a pre-booked time slot and the booking has not yet been made.
Load Vehicle
Allows for the loading of the vehicle. This status would typically only be used when using Shipment Management with your own logistics.
Send Notifications
Initiates any integrations with third-party systems (for example, PODFather) that require notification of pending shipments/receipts. This can also be used to enable additional integrations in association with External Business Events.
Create Next Call List
If using Call Lists, then this option can be used to automatically create a call list for the next scheduled run of this route (For the Same Location, Delivery Area, Shipping Agent and Shipping Agent Service). If you chose not to use this status a call list can be manually created by using the Create Call List batch job.
Clear Related Call List Entries
Removes call list entries for those calls relating to deliveries on this route.
Third-Party Transport Booked Check
If using third-party transport checks that the transport job has been booked with the third-party and will not allow the route to progress until this is completed.
Third-Party Transport Completed
If using third-party transport updates a related purchase document to show that the transport job has been completed.
Outbound Quality Check
Used in association with Clever Quality to manage a pre-posting quality check on a warehouse shipment. This option will not be visible if Clever Quality is not installed.
Inbound Quality Check
Used in association with Clever Quality to manage a pre-posting quality check on a warehouse receipt. This option will not be visible if Clever Quality is not installed.
Create Packages
Used in association with Clever Shipping Agent Integration to create packages for the warehouse shipment. This option will not be visible if Clever Shipping Agent Integration is not installed.
Important: When processing multiple Routes from the Shipment Management Route List at the same time, please note that you will not be able to download documents produced due to Client restrictions. The documents will need to be printed using Clever Printer Selections or Clever Document Delivery. These status codes are marked with ** in the list above. |
Note: In addition to the standard Status Types above, it is possible to create custom Status Types. Any custom Status Types will also be displayed in the Status Type Code List. Please see the Clever Shipment Management Developer Guide for more information. |