Version 1.4.1 – Release Date 09/07/24

Change Type Description
Enhancement Add Copilot functionality to assist in the suggestion of data validation template rules.

Enable check as you type data validation.


Version 1.3.1 – Release Date 29/05/24

Change Type Description
Bug Fix Resolved Issue with the Copy Template Functionality


Version 1.3.0 – Release Date 12/10/23

Change Type Description

Improve user interface for creating templates to remove the need to use table/field numbers and remove the requirement to build filters to validate data.


Add new data validation types:

  • Mandatory (Not Blank)
  • Allowed Values (As a list)
  • Minimum and/or Maximum Field Length (For Code/Text Fields)
  • Minimum and/or Maximum Value (For Numeric Fields)
  • Standard Data Format (Validates data in in a specific format)

Remove the ability to add fields that a data validation check is not valid for (For example FlowFilters and media fields) and obsoleted fields.


Add ability to copy data validation templates.


Add the ability to define a set of standard data formats to check the format of key fields, such as VAT registration numbers and bank details. 


Add data validation action to documents that validates both header and line fields. An automatic check on document release can be enabled via setup. This is currently available on:

  • Sales Quote
  • Sales Order
  • Blanket Sales Order
  • Sales Invoice
  • Sales Credit Memo
  • Sales Return Order
  • Purchase Quote
  • Purchases Order
  • Blanket Purchases Order
  • Purchase Invoice
  • Purchase Credit Memo
  • Purchase Return Order

Add 'Validate Data' action to the following additional pages:

  • Ship-to Address
  • Order Address
  • Remittance Address
  • Customer Bank Account
  • Vendor Bank Account
  • Serial No. Information
  • Lot No. Information
  • Employee

Add ability to automatically place key master data records as blocked pending a successful data validation check. This prevents records being used until they have been correctly completed.


Add ability to automatically validate data on key master data when the blocked status is removed.


Add ability to use data validation templates as part of importing data using Configuration Packages.


Added Assisted Setup.


The resource exposure policy has been amended to make it easier for partners to support and extend Clever Data Validation.


Business Central Compatibility Changes :

  • BC23 Compatibility Changes
  • Update app to Runtime 11


Version 1.2.1 – Release Date 24/02/23

Change Type Description

Update App Logo - New Clever Branding


Business Central Compatibility Changes:

- Update App to Runtime 9

- Tests: TestPermissions=Disabled

- Fix Broken Product Hyperlinks in App.JSON

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with Data Validation Templates Erroring on Validation

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with Filter Expressions using Field Captions instead of Field Names


Version 1.2.0 – Release Date 17/03/22

Change Type Description
Enhancement BC20 Readiness - Extend Clever Apps Permission
Enhancement BC20 Readiness - Remove Permissions XML


Version 1.1.5 – Release Date 19/10/21

Change Type Description
Bug Convert Permissionset XML to Object


Version 1.1.4 – Release Date 13/10/21

Change Type Description
Bug Incorrect Flowfield Length for Field Caption


Version 1.1.3

Change Type Description
Enhancement  South African English


Version 1.1.2

Change Type Description
Enhancement  Support for default config
Enhancement  Enforce licensing
Enhancement  Update build definition to use template


Version 1.1.1

Change Type Description

Optionally Block Records That Fail Validation.

Allow the user to determine if they want records that fail validation to be blocked e.g. if a item record fails validation then set the blocked flag to true.

Add a new field to the Data Validation Template card, Block Records on Failing Validation. When the table ID is validated check if the selected table has a field called "Blocked". Only make the "Block Records on Failing Validation" field visible if there is a blocked field.

If there is a blocked field, check that datatype of the field. If it is an option, show another field - "Blocked Value". This field should provide a lookup to the option string values (see FieldRef.OPTIONSTRING) so that the user can select the appropriate value i.e. for customer and vendors the user will need to decide whether to set the value to Ship, Invoice or All.

If the user types directly into the field, validate that their entry is a valid option in the option string.

When a record fails a validation rule and the template is set to Block Records on Failing Validation open a FieldRef to the blocked field:


If the field is a boolean, and blocked is not already true then set it to true and modify the record


If the field is an option, find the option value (integer) that corresponds to the Blocked Value from the template. If the Blocked field does not already have that value set it to that value and modify the record.

Bug Fix

Not checking Block Record on Failed Valid- COD9030389.BlockRecordOnFail check "Data Validation Template"."Block Record on Failed Valid.", exit if false.