If the Allow By-Products tick box has been selected within the MES Setup operators will be able to post By-Products, which are different to scrap in that they can be either reused or resold.

Once selected, By-Products will need to be created, this can be found using the Search from your role centre.

Once on the page clcik on the new button to create a record in the page. The By-Product Item No. needs to be input, this needs to be an existing Item Card setup within Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central that is produced as part of the production of another item.

You can use the drop down next to the field to select the item code, or if you know the code you are creating the by product for then simply type it in.

Selecting the ellipses on the Finished Item Filter will open a Filter Page, here input the item numbers of those that have produced the By-Product. Multiple finished items can be added within the filter page for one By-Product.

By Products In Action

On the Output Screen By-Products will be available from the Navigation Pane. If completing a Production Order for an Item that has a by Product this will become available.

Once By-Products is selected the operator will need to select the quantity of By-Product that has been created and if there are multiple By-Products for this item which one has been created.

Finally, if the Item Card of the By-Product has Variants set up this will also need to be selected. Once this has been completed select Post to register this output.

The By-Products, once posted, create entries on the Item Ledger Entries screen. The ledger entries will show the Posting Date that the By-Products were made, the Entry Type. The Document Number, which will be the Production Order Number and finally the Item Number of the By-Product created.