On install of Clever Shipment Management, two new permission sets are created:

  • SHIP MGT ALL CSPMTMN - Clever Shipment Mgt. (All)
  • SHIP MGT ORD CSPMTMN - Clever Shipment Mgt. (Order)

The SHIP MGT ALL CSPMTMN permission set gives full access to Clever Shipment Management. This permission set will need to be assigned to the relevant users or user groups as appropriate. If you wish to give users access to only certain parts of Clever Shipment Management, it is recommended that you copy this permission set and remove permissions as required.

The SHIP MGT ORD CSPMTMN is more restricted and only allows users to use Shipment Management with order entry and to view the status of routes without having the permissions to amend or process the route.