When a Customer has a Payment Plan assigned, the "Sales Order" will show some additional data. 

Opening up a "Sales Order", populate the Customer No field. Within the Shipping and Billing FastTab, there are 3 new fields; Payment Plan Template Code, Payment Plan No and Payment Plan Status.

Payment Plan Template Code will populate with the Code used on the "Payment Plan Template" that is assigned to the Bill-To Customer on the "Sales Order". In the below example, my "Sales Order" has been created and my Bill-To is setup to use the 'Default (Customer)'. As the Customer has a Default Payment Plan assigned on the "Customer card", this has populated my Payment Plan Template Code field with the relevant template. This now means my "Sales Order" will use this template to create the sales invoices. If a different Bill-To is selected, the Payment Plan Template Code will use the template assigned on that Customer Card (if populated). 

Payment Plan No will be updated with the Payment Plan number (based on the No Series chosen in the "Payment Plan Setup" page). Where this is blank, no Payment Plan exists yet for this "Sales Order". 

Finally, Payment Plan Status will show what status the Payment plan is at. It will always start blank but any invoice that has been posted will change the status to 'Pending Payment'. If the invoices have been paid", the Payment Plan Status will change to 'paid'. This will change back to "Pending Payment" if another invoice is then Posted but not yet paid for. This status will show on the Payment Plan Card as well as related documents such as the "Warehouse Shipment", "Production Order" etc. 


In the ribbon, there are 2 new options within the Process button. You can either Create Payment Plan or choose Payment Plan

The Create Payment Plan option is required where, in "Payment Plan Setup", the Create Payment Plan on Sales Order Release is 'No'. This is because having this as 'Yes' will automatically create the payment plan for you so where 'No' is used on the Setup, the "Sales Order" must be released and then the Create Payment Plan option should be selected to create the plan against the "Sales Order" which will open the "Payment Plan" for you in the first instance. If you leave this page and wish to view or edit the "Payment Plan" again, you can choose the Payment Plan option within the ribbon to do so. 

Where the above field is 'Yes' in Setup, changing the Status of the "Sales Order" to 'released' will automatically create the plan for you, so to open/edit this, you can choose the Payment Plan option in the ribbon to do this.

As soon as the "Payment Plan" has been created, the Payment Plan No on the "Sales Order" will be updated with the next available number from the associated No Series

Note: When the "Payment Plan" is created, if the values within the Fixed amount field on the "Payment Plan Template" exceed the total value of the "Sales Order", a warning will occur before the "Payment plan" is opened to advise you that the Fixed Amount values will be removed off the "Payment Plan" and need to be added back in manually. This is to ensure that you do not end up accidentally over-invoicing the Customer for more than the "Sales Order" value. 


As soon as a "Payment Plan" is created against a "Sales Order", a new Factbox will be available on the "Sales Order" to provide visibility about the status of the associated "Payment Plan". 

This includes basic information such as the template code and Number but also includes:

Payment Plan Amount - The sum of the values to be invoiced within your "Payment Plan".

Closing Amount - The expected value of your 'Closing Invoice'. Where the 'Staged Invoices' (Payment Plan Amount sum) = the full value of the "Sales Order", this will be zero. Your Closing Amount will only have a value where the "Sales Order" value differs to the Payment Plan Amount

Invoiced Amount - The Amount for any "Posted Sales Invoices" against the "Payment Plan". 

Also included here is flowfields to show how many Invoices, Posted Invoices, Credit Memo's and Posted Credit Memos have been created against this plan.