When you install Clever Shipment Agent Integration from AppSource, five extensions are installed for you. These are:

  1. Shipping Agent Integration.

  2. Clever Config. If you use any of the Clever Dynamics Apps you may already have Clever Config installed. It is used to control inter-app communications and licensing for all our applications.

  3. Clever Inbound Documents. This is not actually used for Clever Shipping Agent Integration but is a mandatory dependency for Clever Integration.

  4. Clever Integration. This is used for communicating with the different shipping agent's APIs. All the message requests and responses are handled by Clever Integration.

  5. Clever Containers.

The following Apps are optional to install and can be used in conjunction with the Shipping Agent Integration App.

  1. Clever PrintNode. This App is often used for printing the shipping agent labels on the right label printer, but you can use alternative print solutions if you have them.

  2. Clever Document Delivery. This App is used to send emails with the shipping agents tracking reference and URL plus any document defined as needing to be attached.