The location visual enquiry shows a visual representation of warehouse data overlaid over a visual floorplan of the location.

The Location Visual Enquiry can be run directly from the statistics menu of the Location Card or  can be found by using the search to find the page or exploring the warehouse role centre to get to the page:

This page is controlled by the action on the ribbon as follows:

Selecting an over displays the relevant data on the floor plan. An overlay shades the areas of the floorplan to highlight key warehouse report metrics. It will also overlay information in a textual format. Clicking on a rack will display a forward facing visual view of the rack showing the bins. The current overlay and filters will be applied to the rack view. Clicking on a bin, in either the floorplan or rack views, will display the contents of that bin. Hovering over a warehouse storage area will display a factbox giving details of the storage type.

An overlay shades the areas of the floorplan to highlight key warehouse report metrics. It will also overlay information in a textual format. Selecting the option will display a dialog allow the overlay to be selected and any parameters (if appropriate) to be specified.

The following overlays are available as default:

  • No Overlay

Highlights the various warehouse storage elements without showing any data.

  • Specific Item

Shows where stock of a specific item resides. the quantity will be shown in the base unit of measure. To use this overlay the Item No. should be entered. Users can optionally also specify a Variant Code, Unit of Measure Code, Serial No. Filter or Lot. No Filter.

  • Empty Bin(s)

Highlights empty bins in the storage area.

  • Suspended Bin(s)

Highlights bins that have been suspended in the storage area.

  • Bin Weight

Shows the current weight of the storage area.

  • Bin Capacity

Shows the current volume of goods held within the storage area.

  • Bins Requiring Replenishment

Highlights bins that require replenishment in the storage area.

  • Specific Warehouse Document

Shows the areas of the warehouse required to fulfil a specific warehouse document. The user needs to specify the Document Type and Document No.

  • No. of Pending Warehouse Documents

Shows the number of pending warehouse  documents for each bin in the storage area. This is effectively a heatmap of pending warehouse operations.

  • No. of Pending Picks

Shows the number of pending picks for each bin in the storage area. This is effectively a heatmap of pending warehouse operations.

  • No. of Pending Put-aways

Shows the number of pending put-aways for each bin in the storage area. This is effectively a heatmap of pending warehouse operations.

  • No. of Pending Movements

Shows the number of pending Movements for each bin in the storage area. This is effectively a heatmap of pending warehouse operations.

  • No. of Registered Warehouse Documents

Shows the number of registered warehouse  documents for each bin in the storage area. This is effectively a heatmap of historic warehouse operations. A user can optionally enter a Period, this is a date formula backwards from today’s date to analyse. If a Period is not specified all historic entries will be included.

  • No. of Registered Picks

Shows the number of registered picks for each bin in the storage area. This is effectively a heatmap of historic warehouse operations. A user can optionally enter a Period, this is a date formula backwards from today’s date to analyse. If a Period is not specified all historic entries will be included.

  • No. of Registered Put-aways

Shows the number of registered put-aways for each bin in the storage area. This is effectively a heatmap of historic warehouse operations. A user can optionally enter a Period, this is a date formula backwards from today’s date to analyse. If a Period is not specified all historic entries will be included.

  • Ho. of Registered Movements

Shows the number of registered Movements for each bin in the storage area. This is effectively a heatmap of historic warehouse operations. A user can optionally enter a Period, this is a date formula backwards from today’s date to analyse. If a Period is not specified all historic entries will be included.

Select Location allows the location currently being viewed to be changed. Selecting thee action will show a list of available locations and update to view to show that location.

Allows the user to toggle the display of different types of warehouse storage on and off.

Make changes to the warehouse layout. See Visual Enquiry Setup.

Zoom into or out from the floor plan.

When zoomed the floor plan can be panned by holding the left mouse-button and dragging the mouse.

Updates the current view to show the latest data.

The following video shows an example of how the Visual Enquiry functionality can be used to find a specific item in the Warehouse: