If you are using custom PODFather templates it may be necessary to map fields between Shipment Management and PODFather. This should not be necessary if using standard templates. 

To map fields to PODFather, select Integrations \ PODFather \ Enable PODFather Field Mapping from Shipment Management Setup.

This will show a list of all fields in the selected PODFather delivery and collection templates.

If the templates have been updated in PODFather since the last time this page was used select Update Template Fields to retrieve the latest field list from PODFather.

For each template field you can map a Shipment Management field by selecting the entity in Shipment Management that contains the field in the Table Name column and the field in the Field No. column. You can also map data returned in the templates when creating proof of deliveries in Shipment Management by selecting a field in the Proof of Delivery Field No. column.