If you are already using Business Central to control your Warehouse, then you will probably have existing bins that you want to convert to being Container Tracked.  Those bins will already contain inventory and to convert them, you will need to complete the following steps:

  • Remove the existing inventory from the bin
  • Set the Container Tracked Flag on the bin to on
  • Move the inventory back into the bin and into a Container

To make it easier to complete this process, we have added some functionality which will allow you to convert a bin into a Container Tracked bin and put all the items stored in that bin into a Container/s.  

NOTE - You will need to ensure that the items which are being put into a Container/s have the Container Tracking Required Field also set to Yes in order to be able to complete the process.


To complete this process, go to the Location Card for the location you are working with and then select the Process option from the Ribbon and then select the Bins option.  This will then display a list of all the bins setup against that location.

Find a bin that you would like to convert into a Container Tracked bin from the list.  You should then select the Actions option from the Ribbon and then select the Calc. Container Inventory option.

You should then complete the fields on the Request Page as required and press OK to begin the calculation.  Once completed, the Container Journal Page will be automatically displayed containing all the items contained within that bin based on the filters applied. 

NOTE – The Container Journal Template and Batch used will be the ones defined in the Container Setup Page.

You can then select all the lines and then click on the Actions option from the Ribbon and select one of the options available under the Assign to Container option to assign a Container against the journal lines.



Assign to Container


The options to select under this Function are:

Assign Container – You can use this option to assign the items into an existing Container which has not yet been assigned to another Location and Bin combination.

Assign New Container – You can use this option to assign the item to a brand-new Container.  Once selected, you will be presented with the list of Container Types and you will need to select the required one.

Assign New Default Container – You can use this option to assign the item to a brand-new Container in the same way as the previous option.  However, with this option, the Container Type will be automatically selected for you based on the Default Container Type you defined in the Container Setup area. 

Assign New Default Container Per Line - If you select this option, and have multiple lines selected, the system will automatically create a new Container for each one.

When all lines have the Container No. field populated, you can then select the Actions option from the Ribbon and then click on the Post option.

This will then automatically toggle the Container Tracked field on the Bin to Yes and will also will have created a new Container Card if required together with the corresponding Container Entries.

NOTE - When Container Journals are posted, they will only create Container Entries and Contents and will not create any Warehouse Entries or Item Ledger Entries etc.