Standard put-away templates have been enhanced to make them more flexible and to allow them to be easy extended. To enable this a new concept of a ‘rule’ has been created that defines a specific criteria for selecting or rejecting a bin as a suitable to place the item.
To create a new put template rule the following steps are required.
- Extend the "PutAway Template Rule WHPTMN" Enum with an entry for the new rule.
- Subscribe to the event OnIsValidPutAwayBin of codeunit "Put-Away Mgt. WHPTMN". This event is called when evaluating each custom rule against a put-away template line
This event has the following parameters:
- PostedWhseReceiptLine: Record "Posted Whse. Receipt Line"
The source receipt line.
- LocationCode: Code[10]
The Warehouse Location Code.
- BinCode: Code[20];
The bin code to be evaluated
- PutAwayTemplateRule: Enum "PutAway Template Rule WHPTMN"
The custom rule created in step 1.
- var IsValidBin: Boolean
A Boolean that states if the bin is suitable based on the new rule.