Clever Config

Clever Config provides some common functionality that is required by all other Clever Dynamics apps and is installed with all of the Clever Dynamics AppSource offers.

The user should not normally need to be aware of Clever Config or what it does. It does not add many pages to the Business Central UI but connects to background services for licensing and configuration.

The main functions that Clever Config provides to other apps are:

  • Configuration. Most Clever Dynamics apps have a "Default Configuration" option - usually on the setup page. Clever Config makes the connection to our service which provides the appropriate configuration package to import into the system.
  • Licensing (see Clever License Registration). Clever Config will contact our licensing service to register a new trial of an app, retrieve new license details and report credit consumption.
  • Integration. Where two Clever Dynamics apps can optionally use each other's functionality e.g. Clever Document Delivery using Clever Document Links to archive sent document, the communication is done via Clever Config.
  • Clever Printer Selections.  A unified approach to printing which can be used by all Clever Apps i.e. Clever WMS Devices and Clever Shipping Agent Integration.