The following Fields have been added to Item Categories and should be completed as required.


Container Tracking Required


This field is used to determine whether the Container Tracking functionality needs to be used when processing Warehouse Documents for items which have the item category assigned to them.  You will need to select one of the following options:

Default – If you select this option, then the Container Tracking Required option will be taken from a Parent Item Category Code assigned against the selected Item Category Code for the item.  It will look through the parent entries and try or find either a Yes or No value and then use that option for the Container Tracking.  If it cannot find either against a Parent, then No will be used.

Yes – If you select this option, then Container Tracking will need to be defined when processing Warehouse Documents.

No – If you select this option, then Container Tracking will need to be defined when processing Warehouse Documents. 

 Default Container Type


In this field, you can define which Container Type should be suggested by default when processing transactions for this item.  You can leave this field blank if required.