Rework in Clever Quality is defined as a process by which you wish to run a failed item through either an Assembly Order or Production Order to make a change to the Lot/Serial Item to then re-test the goods. 

The Rework Type is a dropdown field with the options: 'Production Order' or 'Assembly Order'.  Initially, this is driven from the Replenishment System on the "Item" card you are reworking, however if Replenishment System is 'Purchase' for the Item, than Business Central needs to know whether a Production Order or "Assembly Order" is being used for rework so this field is used to drive this.

Rework Production Order Status is a dropdown field. If using 'Production Orders' for Rework Type, this defines what Production Order to make. Dropdown options include 'Planned', 'Firm Planned', 'Released' or 'Finished'. 

The Rework Production Components field defines how the Production Order will create the Journal for Consumption lines, i.e. if 'None' is selected, no Consumption lines will be added to a "Production Journal", only the Output line. If 'Components' chosen, the original components associated to the Item will come out on the "Production Journal" to consume which allows you to tweak the quantities to rework the item. If 'Rework' Item is selected, the "Production Journal" is populated with the Rework Item only to consume. Where 'Components and Rework Items' selected, the journal will populate with both the components and the rework item to consume. An Output line will always be populated. For more information on this, check the Rework Orders menu heading.  

The Rework Assembly Components field defines how the "Assembly Order" will populate i.e. if 'None' is selected, you’ll have to add components manually. If 'Components' chosen, the original components associated to the Item will come out on the Order which allows you to tweak the quantities to rework the item. If 'Rework' Item is selected, the Order is populated with the Rework Item only. Where 'Components and Rework Items' selected, the Order will populate with both the components and the rework item.  

Use Setup Routing for Rework Prod Orders toggle is defaulted to 'No'. If this remains 'No', the original "Routings" for the item/production order will be used. Where this is 'Yes', you can then define a specific "Routing" to be used for rework in the Rework Prod Order Routing field.