The physical inventory page shows a summary (quantity and total value) of the current inventory by date bucket and is based on the Physical Inventory Ledger Entries. This is important for monitoring the accuracy of stock levels

The  physical inventory statistics can be accessed by selecting the Physical Inventory action from the Statistics group on the ribbon of the either the Item, Stockkeeping Unit or Location List or Card:

Depending on where the page is accessed from it will show different information.

  • Item List/Card

The view will show the Physical Inventory Ledger Entries for all stock of the particular item. 

  • Stockkeeping List/Card

The view will show the Physical Inventory Ledger Entries for all stock of the particular item for the specified location and item variant (if applicable).

  • Location List/Card

The view will show the Physical Inventory Ledger Entries for all items for the particular location. 

The statistics screen shows rows for date bucket. The date buckets can be changed by amending the View By field on the option tab. There are columns showing the No. of Counts made in the period, the Total Adjustments (Qty.) shows the adjustments made as part of a stock count as a quantity (in base unit of measure), the Total Adjustments (LCY) shows the adjustments made as part of a stock count as an inventory value and the Variance(%) shows percentage of total stock that was a discrepancy in the stock counts. The numbers of activities can be viewed as the number in the date bucket or as a running total by amending the Net Change field. It is possible to drill down on the quantities to see a list of the Physical Inventory Ledger Entries that make up the figure.

There is a chart representation of the information at the bottom of the page. It is possible to show which metric is displayed in the chart by selecting the Show action from the ribbon above the chart:

The period range that the chart shows date for can be adjusted by using the Previous and Next actions from the ribbon above the chart:

The data in the chart can be refreshed by selecting the Refresh action from the ribbon above the chart: