The "Payment Plan Setup" page is the first screen that should be opened when the app is installed as this page holds the default instructions on how the payment plans will be created. 

Typing the page name into the search bar will open up the page below. 

Firstly, you will need a "No Series" to be created which can then be chosen within the Payment Plan Nos field. This will then ensure any Payment plans created will use the "No Series" provided. 

Next, there is a toggle for Create Payment Plan on Sales Order Release. Automatically defaulted to 'No', this means that a "Payment Plan" must be created manually per Sales Order. Where this is 'Yes', when you release the "Sales Order", a "Payment Plan" will automatically be created. 

The Auto. Post Invoices (Default) toggle is also automatically defaulted to 'No'. This means that when a "Payment Plan Template" is created, the field of the same name within the Templates will default to 'No' also. Where 'Yes' is selected here in the setup page, all templates will default to 'Yes'. This can be changed individually per "Payment Plan Template" to be more specific about what "Sales Orders" this is used on if necessary. 

In the Payment Plan Invoice FastTab there are 2 additional fields. The Copy Order Dimensions to Payment Plan Invoice toggle can be changed to 'Yes' if you want the "Sales Order" Header dimensions to also be pulled across to its associated Invoice. This simply checks all the dimensions in the "Sales Order" and ensures they are pulled through when the Invoice is created. Having this as 'No' will still create the invoice but won't pull across the Dimensions from the "Sales Order". 

Similarly, if you are populating the External Document No field on the "Sales Order" and you want this to be transferred to the Payment Plan Invoices, ensure the Copy Order External Document no to Payment Plan Invoice toggle is changed to 'Yes'. Leaving this as 'No' will still allow you to populate it on the "Sales Order" but it will not be pulled across into any of the invoices created from the Payment Plan. Both of these fields default the settings to the "Payment Plan Template" so whichever options you choose for them will be transferred to the templates you create. These can both be changed on the templates themselves. 

In the ribbon on this page is a Setup Wizard. Clicking into this field will allow the user to populate the above fields exactly the same, however it will provide more information about the purpose of each field so this is particularly useful if Users require a little more guidance when completing this page. 

Simply follow the on-screen instructions pressing Next once each field is populated and clicking on Finish when you reach the end of the setup wizard. This will populate your fields on this page and complete the setup.