The Task Templates are groups of tasks defined by a Code to cater for default actions that need to be done when a Category + Sub category combination is applicable on a Non Conformance. For each combination, you can default the exact tasks that are required in order to resolve the issue, as well as assign each individual task to a user where relevant.

To define Task Templates, open the "Quality Setup" page and choose the "Non-Conformance Task Templates option". Here, select +New to create a new entry then create a 20 character Code and a Description for the template which will contain all the tasks related to this.

In the lines section of this page, you can define default tasks you want to associate against this "Non-Conformance Task Template" Code. These same tasks will get linked to Non Conformance when the Category & Sub Category code are used in conjunction with each other on a "Non Conformance" record. To set this up, refer to the Assigning a Task template section below.

Creating Tasks

From the "Non-Conformance Task Template", you can add new lines per task you wish to complete. The Priority field is a dropdown to identify the Priority level for this specific task, with options: 'Low', 'Medium' and 'High'. The priority level doesn't get used anywhere automatically within the process but it does mean the user who is assigned this task can sort their tasks by priority if required, completing 'High' priority tasks first. 

The Subject field is a 250 character free type field to add in a description per individual task outlining what needs to be done.

The field Start Date Formula is a time unit formula that will calculate the Start date of that task from the Work date it was created. This is used in conjunction with the Start Time to advise the assigned User when a task is required to start. 

Similarly, the Due Date Formula and Due Time are also calculated based from the Work Date the task was created. 

You can click into the field for Assign to User Name and select a User from the list - any that are allocated will then appear in their "Role Center" under the tile for User Tasks - Pending User Tasks. You can also Assign to Task Group if necessary. 

If you want to link the task to a 'Report' or 'Page' so that when the user is working on a Task, they can run the 'Report' or 'Page' from the task, you can select the Object Type and Object ID against each line. 

Assigning a Task Template

Once all the lines are populated for the Task Template, you need to assign this to the associated Category & Sub Category. Search for "Non Conformance Categories" and in the ribbon, select 'Related' and then 'Sub Categories'. Highlighting a Sub Category Code, click 'Related' in the ribbon and select Task Templates

Personalising the page to display the Category Code and Sub Category Code fields and removing any system filters will show you the full list of any Task Template Codes already used. 

Here, you simply populate the Task Template Code with an existing code you created and confirm what Category Code and Sub Category Code these are for. This means that when a Non Conformance is raised against these category & sub category codes, the tasks from that Task Template will be used by default.