The item expiration page shows a summary (quantity and total value) of the current inventory by date bands based on when the stock is due to expire. This is important for showing stock at risk of expiration.

The item expiration can be accessed by selecting the Item Expiration action from the Statistics group on the ribbon of the either the Item, Stockkeeping Unit or Location List or Card:

Depending on where the page is accessed from it will show different information.

  • Item List/Card

The view will show item expiration for all stock of the particular item (provided the item has an applicable Item Tracking Policy). 

  • Stockkeeping List/Card

The view will show item expiration for all stock of the particular item for the specified location and item variant (if applicable). This is provided the item has an applicable Item Tracking Policy

  • Location List/Card

The view will show item expiration for all items for the particular location, that have an expiration date.

The view can be changed by amending the fields on the options tab.

The Ending Date determines the ending date used to calculate the item expiration date bands. 

The No. of Periods defines the number of item expiration date bands shown on the analysis.

The Period Length determines the duration of the item expiration date band. This should be entered as a date formula.

The Heading Type determines if the titles of the item expiration date bands should be shows as a Date Interval or a Number of Days.

For the inventory value you can choose whether to show the value including expected costs by enabling the Include Expected Costs field. If you choose not to include expected costs then the inventory value will not include stock which and been received but not yet invoiced.

The chart tab shows a visual representation of the item expiration date bands.

The chart can be shown as either a Pie Chart or Column Chart by selection the appropriate option from the Chart Type group of the ribbon above the chart:

The chart can show values either Inventory Quantity or Inventory Value by selection the appropriate option from the Show group of the ribbon above the chart:

Select Refresh from the ribbon above the chart to update the chart data: