Version 1.5.9 - Release Date 20/09/24

Change Type Description

Business Central Version Updates


Version 1.5.8 - Release Date 20/09/24

Change Type Description

New Event OnAfterApplyFolderNameToLinkedDocument to assist with Managing Folder Structures


Addition of New Options to the Folder Structure on SharePoint Setup Wizard:

  • Company Name\Type
  • Type
Bug Fix

Added Functionality to Handle Overloads when Storing Results of ProcessImage in Search Value

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with Document Links FactBox Visibility with Captions not Respecting System Language

Bug Fix

Resolved Issues with Sharepoint Migration not Respecting the Folder Structure Correctly


Version 1.5.7 - Release Date 02/08/24

Change Type Description

Added Functionality which allows Users to control which Pages the Document Links Factbox is displayed on.

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue Uploading Files which was caused by using an ' in the File Name.


Version 1.5.6 - Release Date 14/05/24

Change Type Description
Bug Fix

Resolved issue that could cause an error if multiple users uploaded a number of files (or large file) at the same time.


Version 1.5.5 - Release Date 28/03/24

Change Type Description

BC24 Compatibility Updates:

  • Change Captions from 'Job' to 'Project'
Bug Fix

Resolved issue around uploading multiple Documents against a record and then moving to another record before the upload was complete.  This resulted in the documents being attached to the wrong record.


Version 1.5.4 - Release Date 13/02/24

Change Type Description

Document Links added to the following additional pages:

  • Service Contract List
  • Service Contract
  • Service Contract Quote List
  • Service Contract Quote
Bug Fix

'Bad Request Error' when adding a document to a Vendor Ledger Entry and using Microsoft SharePoint as the repository and using a folder structure.


Version 1.5.3 - Release Date 02/10/23

Change Type Description
Enhancement The assisted setup has been improved and made consistent with other Clever Essentials apps.

The resource exposure policy has been amended to make it easier for partners to support and extend Clever Document Links.


Business Central Compatibility Changes :

  • BC23 Compatibility Changes
  • Update app to Runtime 11
Bug Fix

Resolved issue where using the Upload action from the Document Links drilldown page would show an error message when uploading more than one document.


Version 1.5.2 - Release Date 21/06/23

Change Type Description
Bug Fix Resolved issue where the system would hang if the Documents Links FactBox contained more than 15 records and the File List was expanded.
Bug Fix

Resolved issue where the Document Links FactBox was not being refreshed when moving between records.


Version 1.5.1 - Release Date 02/05/23

Change Type Description

If using a device with a camera, it is now possible to take a picture and store that against a document. This is available on any page that contains the Document Links factbox. This enables scenarios, such as taking a picture of a damaged item and instantly storing this against a purchase receipt. 


Support for the forthcoming Clever Quality app.

Bug Fix

When dropping a file onto a posted sales document and using SharePoint with the folder structure, an error message "The supplied field number '1' could not be found in the 'Sales Invoice Header' table." was displayed.


Version 1.5 - Release Date 22/03/23

Change Type Description

The Clever Document Links factbox (Drop Zone) has been re-configured so it takes up less screen space and allows room for other factboxes.

The factbox is now collapsible so the file list can be hidden to take up less room. In this mode it shows the number of links, and clicking this displays a new dialog showing all the link. The previous status of the factbox is remembered per user/page combination.


Document Attributes are now defaultable.

Document attributes can be used to make it easier to locate documents in the repository. To make it easier to use Document Attributes you can now default attributes based on:

  • User ID
  • Date
  • Time
  • Date/Time
  • Company Name 
  • Field Value (The value of any field on the related table).

If using Microsoft SharePoint as the document repository then Document Attributes can now be taken across as SharePoint Metadata (Columns). This can make it easier to find documents directly within SharePoint. 


If using Microsoft SharePoint as the document repository then Documents added can be automatically arranged in a logical SharePoint folder structure.

Options are:

  • None (Flat structure)
  • Type/No. (Files stored in a logic structure
    • (For example Customer\<Customer No.>\<FileName>)
  • Company Name/Type/No. (Files stored in a logic structure for multiple companies
    • (For example <Company Name>\Customer\<Customer No.>\<FileName>)

There is a new File Preview Factbox on the document lists. This allows some file types such as images to be shown without having to open the actual document.


Error handling for the SharePoint integration has been improved to return more information to help diagnose the issue.


SharePoint integration setup has been moved to a new wizard to make it easier to setup SharePoint.  


Added support to Assisted Setup for Clever Document Links


Document Links added to the following additional pages:

  • Opportunity List
  • Opportunity Card
  • Production BOM
  • Production BOM List
  • Production BOM Version
  • Production BOM Version List
  • Routing
  • Routing List
  • Routing Version
  • Routing Version List
  • Stockkeeping Unit List
  • Stockkeeping Unit Card
  • Lot No. Information List
  • Lot No. Information Card
  • Serial No. Information List
  • Serial No. Information Card
  • Work Centre Groups
  • Item Variants
  • Posted Direct Transfer List
  • Posted Direct Transfer Card
  • Catalogue Item List
  • Catalogue Item Card
  • Fixed Asset Maintenance Registration
  • Bank Account Statements
  • Shipping Agent Services
  • Job Planning Lines
  • Item Ledger Entries
  • Cash Receipt Journal

New API to allow document links to be added externally.


Business Central Compatibility Changes :

  • BC22 Compatibility Changes
  • Change way Service Connection is accessed
  • Update App Logo
  • Client Credentials is now the default option for SharePoint Authentication.


Version 1.4 – Release Date 07/12/22

Change Type Description
Enhancement Enhancement to allow User Name, Date, Time and Attributes for be shown on Document Link Drop Box

Addition of Functionality which allow Multiple Attachments to be included on an Email 


Added Clever Document Link Training Videos into the Product Video section in Business Central


Business Central Compatibility Changes which Include:

- Set TestPermissions=Disabled

- Update App to Runtime 9


Version 1.3 – Release Date 21/02/22

Change Type Description
Enhancement Added Support for SharePoint Client Credential Authentication
Enhancement Added Functionality to allow the Migration of Documents Stored in Database over to Sharepoint
Enhancement Reduced the 'Doc. Links File Drop' FactBox Height 
Enhancement Extend Clever Apps Permissionset
Enhancement Remove XML Permissionsets File
Enhancement Add Creation Date/Time to the 'Doc. Links File Drop' FactBox
Bug Rework for API Change
Bug  Resolve Archive Location Folder Name is Mandatory Error


Version 1.2.15 – Release Date 05/11/21

Change Type Description
Enhancement Update Permission Sets on Upgrade


Version 1.2.14 – Release Date 19/10/21

Change Type Description
Enhancement Convert Permissionset XML to Object


Version 1.2.13

Change Type Description
Enhancement Include ApplicationInsightsKey
Bug Fix Reduce Permission RoleID to 20 Characters


Version 1.2.12

Change Type Description
Enhancement Support document links on payment journal – dropbox added
Bug Fix Be able to upload files with special characters in file name
Bug Fix "Document Links Mgt. CDLTMN".CopyDocumentLinks function does not correctly copy links for a record set record


Version 1.2.11

Change Type Description
Enhancement Confirmation dialog when deleting multiple documents from the Clever Document Links factbox


Version 1.2.10

Change Type Description
Bug Fix Rework license credit error when uploading a document. It was previously possible that a file would be uploaded to SharePoint but then an error shown because there are no remaining credits on the license. This error would leave the document in SharePoint but without a link to Business Central.


Version 1.2.9

Change Type Description
Enhancement Support for license credits. Clever Documents Links licenses entitle customers to a given number of credits per calendar month. A credit is consumed when a document is uploaded to the Document Links factbox.
Bug Fix Missing ApplicationArea properties added
Bug Fix Missing Service Password permission added to upgrade codeunit


Version 1.2.8

Change Type Description
Enhancement Replace service password with isolated storage. Store the SharePoint password in isolated storage rather than in the service password table.
Enhancement Enforce licensing. Don't allow new documents to be uploaded if the license has expired. The user should still be able to view and download existing documents even without a license.
Bug Fix Permissions on Posted Purchase Credit Memo. Add file to FactBox on Posted Purchase Credit Memo page. Error on no Permission to modify record


Version 1.2.7

Change Type Description

Permission sets to control access to documents. Create two permission sets for this addition. One that give users full permissions to the Doc Links tables and another that only allow them to insert and modify, but not Delete.

Test that the permission sets give the desired behaviour. In particular test that users with the more limited permission set can still upload, link and download documents. The only thing they should not be able to is delete.

These permission sets should be included in the Resources for the extension (ask NM or JJ to help when you're ready).

Bug Fix

Tests failing in country NL.


Version 1.2.6

Change Type Description
Bug Fix Permission Error Deleting Document. Need to grant permission to the codeunit that deletes it? Permission is indirect on BC SaaS license.
Bug Fix Linked Document not Transferred for Transfer Orders. Subscribe to event after posted transfer doc is created and carry the linked docs across.
Bug Fix Tests Failing in Country/NA


Version 1.2.5

Change Type Description
Enhancement Better Error messages when SharePoint connection fails - Currently the user just receives a "Bad request" message if Doc Links is unable to authenticate with the SharePoint server. We should show a better error message e.g. "Could not contact SharePoint. Please check Document Links Setup and test the connection".
Enhancement Add DL FactBox to Vend. Ledger Entries Page - Add support for dragging and dropping onto the vendor ledger entries page.
Bug Fix Typo in File Exists Message. "File named Sales Invoice 103012.pdf already exist, do you want to replace the file?" Replace with "A file named Sales Invoice 103012.pdf already exists, do you want to replace the file?"
Bug Fix Linked Doc Not Passed from Purch. Credit Memo to Posted Purch. Credit Memo. Ensure that documents are passed from unposted to posted credit memos.