The installation of the Clever WMS Devices apps requires the dependency of some of our other apps to be installed. These apps included Clever Config & Clever WMS Devices Framework.

NB: You should not uninstall Clever Config or Clever WMS Devices Framework if you plan on using the Clever WMS Devices.

The installation of the app will introduce a change to your role centre.  Actions such as Clever Devices and Clever WMS Devices have been added.  Both actions when selected will provide a drop down to other pages installed with the apps, these are setup pages.

As with some of our apps this app requires user to go in and setup most of the configuration required in order to run the process as per your business structure, however we do provide some default configuration packages that can be run alongside the setup. The user guide will highlight the different setup options need to run Clever WMS Devices whether that be setup done manually or through the default configuration packages