If you have setup your Machine Centre as Process Type – All Lines. You will see a section on your Output screen called Production Routing Lines. There can be multiple Production Routing Lines here if they have been setup to run simultaneously.

By selecting the Production Routing line, you can then carry out any of the actions on the output screen: Components, By-Products, Output and Scrap buttons on the Navigation Pane. Which will relate back to the line selected.

The next field along is the Prod. Routing Line No. The Production Routing Number is its identifier and is a combination of the Production Order, Item Number and the Routing Line Number, so the operator knows which routing line they are working on.

Then there is the Item No, which tells the operator the item they will be outputting

The field Quantity to Start , this is the Quantity that the Operator has yet to start, this may be a different figure to the Quantity Remaining as items may have been scrapped or there may not be enough components to complete the order

Quantity Completed tell the operator how many of the finished Items have been output by the operator.

Quantity Remaining is the quantity of items that has yet to be completed to finish the order.

If Lot Numbers have been setup for the Production Order these will in the Lot No. Required & Lot No. fields.

Finally, the Output Quantity, if a number is entered here and Output is selected this number will be Output by the Operator.