Version 20.1.0 – Release Date 10/07/24

Change Type Description

New features added in to handle Refund functionality including Refund Reason Codes. 


New Telemetry features added


Improvements to Assisted Setup 


Event added so that Source No from the Payment Gateway Log can be shown on the Description within Customer Ledger Entries. Event is: OnAfterTransferPaymentGatewayLogToGenJnlLine(var PaymentGatewayLog: Record "Payment Gateway Log CPGYTMN"; var GenJournalLine: Record "Gen. Journal Line")

Bug Fix

Fixed issue where Payment Provider account details were deleted when Payment Provider Code changed. 

Bug Fix

Fixed issue where some entries would not be displayed when using the Suggest Payment Gateway Payment in Cash Receipt Journals. 

Version 20.0.5 – Release Date 16/05/24

Change Type Description

Default Cardholder functionality from within the Payment Gateway screen


Create Cardholder functionality added for Quick entry using Customer billing details

Bug Fix

Entries are now visible from the Payment gateway log from the Posted Sales Invoice when the payment was created from the Sales Invoice. 

Bug Fix

Code change to page 9030499 to remove the "OnAfterGetRecord" trigger

Bug Fix

Fix the assignments in the Cash Receipt Journal when using the Suggest Payment gateway lines when the payment was created from the Sales Invoice.

Bug Fix

Fix the error when registering a payment from the Cardholder to ensure the "Stripe" code is used.

Version 20.0.4 – Release Date 28/03/24

Change Type Description

Business Central Compatibility Update:

  • Codeunit 'NoSeriesManagement' is marked for removal


Version 20.0.3 – Release Date 29/06/23

Change Type Description
Bug Fix Resolve Error Message which Appears when Creating a Tenant
Bug Fix Resolve issue which prevented the Service Connections Page from being opened when Payment Gateway was not setup


Version 20.0.2 – Release Date 29/06/23

Change Type Description
Enhancement Improve Schedule Payment Description by adding Customer Name and Number.  This will then allow you easily filter down the Ledger Entries by the description.
Bug Fix Resolve Issue with Incorrect Payment Application Suggestions


Version 20.0.1 – Release Date 16/01/23

Change Type Description
Enhancement Update App Logo
Bug Fix Resolved Issue where Applied Entries were not being Set on Cash Receipt Journals


Version 20.0.0 – Release Date 31/10/22

Change Type Description
Enhancement Initial Product Release