In order to access the Shipping Agent Card, you will need to select the Shipping Agent Card option from the Ribbon on the Shipping Agent List.


If you are setting up the Integration for the first time and the Shipping Agent Card looks like the below example, then you will need to click on the New (+) Button in order to create a new card before you can populate any information.

The Fields should then be completed as required.


General FastTab

Shipping Agent Code

This should have been automatically completed as the shipping agent you had selected from the Shipping Agent List.

Shipping Agent Name

This field is un-editable and will be automatically populated with the name of the Shipping Agent you selected from the Shipping Agent List.

Account No.

In this field, enter in your account number for the shipping agent.

Integration Interface

In this field, you will need to select the related record from the Interfaces list that you have setup for the Shipping Agent.

Check Items on Document Release

If this field is enabled then when releasing a document, Business Central will check the setup of the item to ensure that all the required fields have been populated. If they haven’t, then an error will appear advising you on what detail is missing.

Submit Consignment on Warehouse Posting

You should enable this Field if you want a Consignment not just created when a Warehouse Shipment is posted against the Shipping Agent but also Submitted automatically as well.  

Open Consignment After Posting

This option makes the Consignment page open once the Consignment that has been created (and optionally submitted, see above) after the Warehouse Shipment is posted.

Document Upload Process Type

This field relates to the uploading of documents against a Consignment.


Shipping FastTab

Shipping Agent Integration Code

Again, select the Shipping Agent you are Integrating to from the dropdown list of options.

After setting the Shipping Agent Integration Code you will see the Packaging and Labels FastTabs are populated with the options for that Shipping Agent automatically.  These can be changed if required.

Label Code

Select the format of the shipping label you want to use for this Shipping Agent from the list of possible options. This will depend on the printer that you are planning to use to print the shipping labels.

Which label code you require depends on the printer you are going to use to print your shipping labels. While PDF will work for standard ‘laser printer’ type printers, Zebra’s ZPL or EPL is better for use with their specialist label printers. Eltron v2 is used on older label printers from companies now also owned by Zebra. To be sure you select the right option please consult your printer documentation or your shipping agent.

Packaging Code

Again, select the default packaging code you intend to use with this shipping agent from the list of possible options. While there are a long list of shipping agent specified options for most shipping agents, its common to select the ‘Your Packaging’ option if you consign the packages in your own packaging.

Weight Unit of Measure

Select the unit of measure that will be used to Submit Consignments to the Shipping Agent. Usually this will be "KG".

Max. Expected Packages

Enter the maximum number of expected packages you will be submitting via the API. This is to prevent typing errors resulting in excessive consignments where for instance mistyping 2 sends 22 packages.

Default Export Reason Code

In this Field, you can choose to enter in a default code where required.  Please refer to this Page for more information Clever Clever Shipping Agent Integration - Export Reason Codes


Packaging FastTab

Please refer to this section for more information. Packaging Definitions


Labels FastTab

Please refer to this section for more information Label Definitions


Documents FastTab

The options available on this FastTab all relate to the uploading of documents against a Consignment. 


Ribbon Options

The following options are all available to select under the ‘Related’ Menu.


Please refer to this section for more information Shipping Agent Integration Services


Please refer to this section for more information Shipping Agent Specific Parameters

Document Types

The options available here all relate to the uploading of documents against a Consignment.