Version 1.4.6 – Release Date 16/07/24

Change Type Description

Bug Fix

PODFather Integration - Resolved Issue with the Qty Consigned Field not being Updated Correctly on Proof of Delivery Documents.


Version 1.4.5 – Release Date 11/07/24

Change Type Description


PODFather Enhancement - Delivery Notes entered against Items on the Device are now recorded against the Proof of Delivery Lines in Business Central 

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with the Sell-To Address on Sales Returns Orders.  Now, if the address is updated, it is correctly reflected against the Shipment Management Route

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with Adding New Drops to a Route after the Picks for the existing Drops on the Route have been created.  Now Picks are created for the new Drops correctly.

Bug Fix

Resolved Issues around Synching FROM and TO PodFather

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with using Item Substitutions Functionality.  Any Items which have been substituted are now added to the Route correctly.

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with the Move Drops Page where it showed Completed Routes.


Version 1.4.4 – Release Date 17/06/24

Change Type Description


Changes to Resolve Issues with using Clever WMS Devices to process Picks and not being able to completely Pick all the total quantity.  We have now amended the functionality to take into account the Device Suspended Field


Improved Response Messages from PODFather


Improvement to Assisted Setup


New Welcome Page when Installing from Appsource to assist first time Users


Add Delivery Instruction Flag to Drops Page


Changes to Display on Routes for Date/Location Map to cater for multiple Drops to the same Address

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with Drops not being Added to a Route when using the Get Posted Document Lines to Reverse Functionality

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with Wrong Page Opening on Manage Locations Button on Assisted Setup Wizard

Bug Fix

Resolve Spelling Mistake Issue on Proof of Delivery Reason Object Name

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with Inherited Shipment Management Drop Comments not Copied to Delivery Instructions

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with Error which occurs when using Recurring Sales/Purchases Line and Automatic Insert Option

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with Drop Markers showing Incorrect Colours on Date/Location Map if there are more than 3 Routes

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with Synching POD's from PODFather to Business Central

Bug Fix

Resolved Error which occured when removing the Date Filter on Route Maps


Version 1.4.3 – Release Date 04/04/24

Change Type Description


Added New Event OnBeforeCheckShipmentDatesOnRelease

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with Nested Error Handlings Causing Errors on Shipment Route Status


Version 1.4.2 – Release Date 28/03/24

Change Type Description


Added Base Calendars to Ship-To Address Card to allow users to define the days you cannot deliver.


A Route Assignment Field has been added to Route Status Lists to allow Users to control if Source Documents should be assigned to a Route at the point each line is entered or when the Source Document is Released.


In previous versions, Clever Shipment Management worked differently on Purchase Documents due to the lack of Shipping Agent and Shipping Agent Service Fields.  This was limiting for the addition of new functionality added for other types of documents so we added functionality to make assigning Purchase Documents to Shipment Management Routes work consistent with Sales Documents.


If Clever Shipment Management detects that Clever Comments is installed, additional Inheritance options will be available on the Comment Type Page allowing comments to be inherited onto Shipment Management Drops.


Added functionality to allow Delivery Instructions to be formattable and allow unlimited characters.


Addition of a new Assisted Setup Wizard to allow Users to be able to setup all aspects of Clever Shipment Management quickly and easily.


Added the Route Description onto the Routes for Date/Location Map


Added Functionality to allow Users to be able to move part of Drop onto a new Shipment Management Route.  Previously this was limited to just being able to move a whole Drop.


BC24 Compatibility Updates:

  • Resolve Group 'Net Route' Conflicts


Addition of New Events:

  • OnAfterGetShptMgtEntriesForDrop

Bug Fix

Resolved Error which appeared when Installing/Upgrading Clever Shipment Management in French Environments

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with Variant Code not Updating correctly on Shipment Management Routes

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue which allowed multiple Shipment Management Routes to be processed together when they were at different Stauses

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue which sometimes showed Drops on Bing Maps in the wrong place


Version 1.4.1 – Release Date 13/02/24

Change Type Description


Added a check to the Sales Order Release Function to see if the Shipment Date on any of the sales lines is in the past.  If they are, a message will be displayed allowing the user to reschedule the sales lines to a new Delivery Date/Route.

This check has been implemented to provide a smoother integration with Clever Credit If you look at the example of a document being Credit Held and then not being released for a few days, then the Route it was initially added against could have potentially already been processed and the Credit Controller would not be aware of that.

Bug Fix

Remove the Mark Non-Inventory Lines as Shipped Heading from Warehouse Shipment Page

Bug Fix

Resolved the error which appeared when selecting the Previous Status option from the Shipment Management Route list.


Version 1.4 - Release Date 06/02/24

Change Type Description

Various Enhancements to Route Status Lists

  • A Route Status Lists can now be setup for combinations of Shipping Agent Code, Shipping Agent Service Code and Location Code
  • Route Status List can now be Enabled/Disabled where required.
  • New option has been added to allow Users to copy an existing list as a basis for creating a new status list.
  • New Sequencing Options have been added for Route Statuses
  • New Functionality has been added to allow Users to Add/Remove Statuses where required
  • Users can now amend the Description for a Status where required
  • A new Show Summary option has been added to show a message when processing the Route to show how many documents have been posted etc.

NOTE - For users which are upgrading to 1.4 from an earlier version, please also refer to this Page for more information on the Route Status Upgrade process Route Status List Changes (Version 1.4)


Addition of new Status Types:

  • Print Documentation
  • Print Manifest
  • Title Only
  • Delete Unfulfilled Shipments

Various Enhancements to the Create Status List Wizard:

  • Improved Wizard to create new Route Status Lists. The Wizard will now prompt the User to define whether they are using third-party Shipping Agent or their own logistics and set-up Clever Shipment Management accordingly.
  • The Wizard now detects if Clever WMS Devices is installed and suggest improved processes based on the use of devices.
  • The Wizard now looks at the Location setup to determine warehouse operations rather than asking the User what they are using.

Improved support for Reservations within Clever Shipment Management:

  • Can see reservation status against Route.
  • Can see reservation status against Drop.
  • Can see Qty Reserved and Qty. Reserved (Base) (base hidden by default) against Shipment Mgt. Entry (these are pulled from the source document).
  • If not reserved can now reserve the Shipment Mgt. Entry using new 'Reserve' action. There is still the status to reserve all stock via status
  • New options on the Route Status List.
    • Source Reservation Status - This determines if only reserved lines are allocated to a route.
    • Respect Shipping Advice. If Shipping Advice on the source document is set to Complete then will only add to route if all lines are reserved and available.

Various Enhancements to Route Status Maps:

  • Enhanced Route Map. If Bings Map integration is enabled an improved route map embedded in the app will be used, otherwise the exiting external web page will be called. If vehicle specification has been entered on the vehicle card this will also enable truck routing (i.e. route suggestions will avoid low bridges).
  • New map option (if Bing Maps integration is enabled) to show drops for all routes (colour coded by route) by date. This makes it easier to visually see if a drop should be moved to another route. Drops can be moved from within the map.
  • New map option (if Bing Maps integration is enabled) to show the drops on a particular route.
  • New map option (if Bing Maps integration is enabled) to show on a map the areas, customer, vendors and locations covered by a delivery area.

Route Optimisation (if enabled via Bing Maps Integration) will now take into account truck routing (if vehicle specification entered against vehicle).  On completing optimisation users will now be presented with an option to show the changes on the route map.


Improvements to the default Shipping Manifest Document:

  • Improved format
  • Added delivery instructions (if applicable)
  • Added time slots (if applicable)
  • Retrieve address from drop record in case it has been updated. 
  • New Status to print the Shipping manifest.
  • Shipment Manifest added to report selections.

Service Orders are now supported by Clever Shipment Management.  Changes made to support this are:

  • Shipment Date added to Service Order Header
  • Shipment Management Route Factbox
  • Shipment Date, Delivery Area Code and Shipment Mgt. Route No. added to Service Item Worksheet and Service Order Lines Pages.

Ability to change Shipping Agents/Shipping Agent Services on Multiple Routes. 

New batch job to allow the Shipping Agent (and/or Service) to be reassigned on multiple routes and, optionally, Source documents, warehouse documents and master data. Can be run from the Shipment Management Role Centre, Shipping Agent page or Shipping Agent Service page.


Improvements to Vehicles records as per the following:

  • Addition of Vehicle Card
  • Easier to see routes currently assigned.
  • Ability to link (and sync) to Fixed Asset record.
  • Fields to hold vehicle Make, Model and Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).
  • Additional fields for vehicle Specification to use for goods vehicle route planning.
  • Ability to change Vehicles on Multiple Routes. New batch job to allow the Vehicle to be reassigned on multiple routes and, optionally, delivery areas and delivery area schedules. 

Improvements to Drivers records to include the following:

  • Addition of Driver Card
  • Easier to see routes currently assigned
  • Ability to link (and sync) to employee record
  • Fields to hold licence information
  • Ability to change Drivers on Multiple Routes. New batch job to allow the Driver to be reassigned on multiple routes and, optionally, delivery areas and delivery area schedules. 

A new Description field has been added to Shipment Management Route List, Card and Move Pages to make it easier to identify routes. This will default to the Delivery Area description but may be edited.


The Shipment Management Route Factbox has been added to the Warehouse Shipment List and Card and Warehouse Receipt List and Card.


Improvements to Handling Failed Deliveries. 

The drop now has a new entries option to show Rescheduled Entries. when a failed delivery is rescheduled the existing entry will be deleted and a new rescheduled entry will be created so it is easier to view the new route the goods will be shipped on.


New setup option to Archive Shipment Management Routes once they have been completed.


New Pages have been added to show all Shipment Management Drops in a single list. This allows users to utilise the new Analyse Functionality (part of standard Business Central) and query the data.  

The new Page names are shown below and they can be found by using the standard Business Central Search Functionality:

  • Shipment Management Route Lines (Drops)
  • Posted Shipment Management Route Lines (Drops)

Improved Onboarding Experience:

  • It is now possible to access all set-ups related to Clever Shipment Management from the Shipment Management setup page which will open on install with new teaching tips to help guide setup.
  • When installing the App, the Setup Page will be opened automatically
  • Two Wizards available in Assisted Setup
Enhancement New dedicated Role Centre for Shipment Management called Shipment Management Planner 

The Status Factbox on Routes has been extended to now show more status codes as not all were not all visible when using complicated warehouse processes.


What3Words Integration:

  • What3Words Address field added to Customer, Ship-to Address, Sales Order, Sales Return Order,  Service Order and Drop Address
  • Address will also be printed on the Manifest Report (if a What3Words Address has been defined).
  • Assist Edit to find What3Words address via a map look-up overlayed with the What3Words grid.
  • Ability to convert a geocoded address to a What3Words Address on the Shipment management Drop.
  • Integration needs to be enabled in Shipment Management Setup.

For Purchase Orders the collection date is now linked to the Planned Receipt Date instead of the Expected Receipt Date.

The Expected Receipt Date is calculated as standard by adding inbound warehouse handling time and the safety lead time to the planned receipt date, therefore if you’re going to collect a purchase order, you need to collect it on the Planned Receipt Date so that it’s available in the warehouse for the Expected Receipt Date.


The following APIs have been added to support additional integration scenarios:

  • Shipment Management Route API
  • Shipment Management Drop API
  • Shipment Management Entry API
  • Shipment Management Vehicles API
  • Shipment Management Driver API

The following External Business Events have been added to support additional integration scenarios:

  • RouteStatusChanged
  • RouteCompleted
  • RouteSendNotifications
  • DropETAChanged

New Events have been added to enable further customisations:

  • OnBeforeModifyWarehouseShipmentHeader in codeunit "Warehouse Shpt. Mgt. CSPMTMN"
  • OnAfterUpdateEntriesWhenMovingDrop in codeunit "Shpt. Mgt. Drop CSPMTMN"
  • OnAfterFilterByRec in codeunit "Filter Shpt Mgt Rte CSPMTMN"

The Resource Exposure Policy has been amended to make it easier for partners to support and extend Clever Shipment Management.


Business Central Compatibility Changes :

  • BC23 Compatibility Changes
  • Update app to Runtime 11
  • Enhance ribbon actions for new action experience.

Change to Report Selections - Shipment Management Page to combine the Shipping Manifest and Proof of Delivery Pages into one.

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with the Move Up/Down Actions to change the delivery order for Shipment Management Drops.  This may not work in some scenarios where two or more additional drops are moved to the route.

Bug Fix

Resolved the "Sales Line does not existerror which occurred when using the Copy Document Functions on Sales Orders and not copying the Header.

Bug Fix

Resolved the "Sales Line does not exist" error which occurred when moving lines onto a new Shipment Management Route and deleting Sales Order Lines.

Bug Fix

Resolved issue with the Departure Time from Delivery Schedules not being respected and set correctly in the Route Start Date/Time Field on Shipment Management Routes.

Bug Fix

Resolved error which occurred when renaming an Item which has Variants defined.

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with the Register Pick Status if the Prevent Processing from Route Field is Enabled.  If the Pick was processed in the Warehouse before the Status on the Shipment Management Route was set, then it was not possible to move onto the next Status. 

Bug Fix

Added a message to Shipment Management Routes when the last Drop is removed asking if you wanted to delete it.

Bug Fix

Resolved issue around an error occurring when creating Transfer Orders from Requisition Worksheets when they relate to a Shipment Management Route.

Bug Fix

Resolved issue with the Shipment Date Field not always being set correctly on the source document line when moving a route.

Bug Fix

Resolved issue with the FlowField Filters used on the Drop Time Slot Field on the Shipment Management Drops Page.

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with the Tooltip being incorrect for the Reservation Status Field on the Create Status List Wizard.


Version 1.3.1 (Release Date 12/04/23)

Change Type Description

Handling Failed Deliveries. This release adds the ability to handle drops that you are then not able to deliver. This is controlled by a new option on the status list that determines at what Status codes failed deliveries can be handled. With this release there are two possibilities to handle failed deliveries:

  • Reschedule - A failed drop can be rescheduled for a future date without bringing the items back into stock. The Posted Shipment Management Entries will be carried over to the new route and the route details updated on the source document (If it has not been fully invoiced at that point).
  • Create Return Order - Creates a Return Order (Sales transactions only) to bring the items back into stock. If done at a suitable status, the processing of the related Warehouse Receipt and Put-away can be performed against the same route the drop was scheduled for.

Support for Clever Containers Shipment Bins. If using Shipment Management in conjunction with Clever Containers, then any Shipment Bin defined for a Location/Shipping Agent/Shipping Agent Service can be defaulted onto the route.


Vehicle Locations added. This allows both the restriction of which locations a vehicle can operate from but also to specify Shipment Bins specific to a location\vehicle combination.


Maximum Capacity (Volume) added to the vehicle. This will also highlight on the routes/drops page if the combined totals of the items volumes exceed capacity.


The Source Document Status and Document Credit Status are now shown on the Shipment Management Entries List. This makes it easier to see document assigned to a route that have not been released. If using in conjunction with Clever Credit, this also gives visibility of the credit status of documents added to a route.


In previous releases you could not use the Move Line function if there was a Warehouse Shipment related to an entry on the drop, even if the current status allowed this. In this release this restriction has been reduced so it will only apply if the Shipment Management entry is part of a consolidated Warehouse Shipment. 


This release makes it easier to view Posted Shipment Management Entries against a route.


On the Gross Weight and Volume Totals (and selected drop totals), it is now possible to see the percentage load and maximum allowed value of the vehicle if a vehicle is assigned to the route and the maximum weights and volumes are held against the vehicle. This makes it easier to plan loads. 


If setting up shipping charges it is now possible to use a Non-Inventory Item for the Shipping Charges instead of a G/L account or Item Charge.


Business Central Compatibility Changes:

  • BC 22 Compatibility Changes
  • Update App to Runtime 10
  • The functionality to ship non-inventory lines on warehouse documents had been marked as obsolete as this functionality is standard in BC22.
Bug Fix 

The error message displayed during the Move Lines function now correctly shows the actual Drop No. as opposed to the Drop Entry No.

Bug Fix

If deleting a Route then any open/credit held documents assigned to the Route but not a drop will have now have the Route No. field cleared on the source document.

Bug Fix

A spurious warning message when using Shipment Management in combination with Order promising is no longer shown.

Bug Fix

An issue where two event subscribers both tried to update the Delivery Area Code field on a customer when using the Call Log functionality has been resolved. 

Bug Fix

An issue in the upgrade routine that occurred if there was an existing route without a Shipment Date/Expected Receipt Date has been resolved.

Bug Fix

When drilling down into drops, the selected lines totals would only show the last line selected not the totals of lines selected.


Version 1.3.0 (Released 22/11/22)

Change Type Description

Integration with PODFather Software for Route Planning and Proof of Delivery Functionality

More information about PODFather and their products can be found here


New optional status type 'Load Vehicle' for any load checks and to trigger third-party integrations.


Addition of Call List functionality


New option to view and add to scheduled deliveries on Shipment Management Route by using FactBox on Sales Documents


Added Ability to control against a Route Status whether new drops can be added from source documents


Added Drop Time Slot Functionality


Added Support for Delivery Instructions against a Shipment Management Route


Added Functionality for storing Proof of Delivery Documents


Enhanced Onboarding Experience which includes:

  • Added Shipment Management into the standard Assisted Setup area in Business Central.  This can then be used for Guiding Users through the Setup Process
  • Added Shipment Management Training Videos into the standard Product Video area in Business Central 

Addition of new Permission Set.  These provide sufficient Permissions for Order Entry Staff to be able to enter Sales Orders and use the required Clever Shipment Management functionality without having full rights to the whole App.  The Permission Set is called "Clever Shipment Management (Order)"


Allow integration with Bing Maps to show enhanced drop address and to optimise drop order


Business Central Compatibility Changes:

  • Rename References to Clever Handheld for Warehousing to Clever WMS Devices
  • Update App to Runtime 9
  • Set TestPermissions = Disabled
  • BC21 Compatibility Changes
  • Update App Logo
Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with the 'Complete Assembly' status to allow partial shipments when components are not fully picked.

Bug Fix

Resolved issue with lines not being added to a Shipment Management Route correctly on a Sales Return Order when added using the 'Get Posted Document Line to Reverse' Function

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue around Changing Purchasing Codes on Sales Lines not updating the Delivery Area correctly

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with Shipment Management Routes not being created correctly when a 'Location' and 'Shipping Agent' were added to the Sales Document

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with Shipment Management Routes not being updated when using 'Order Promising'

Bug Fix

Resolved issue with the 'Collection Date' not being copied onto new Purchase Lines

Bug Fix

Resolved issue which caused an error to appear when Recurring Sales Lines were inserted automatically

Bug Fix

Resolved Issue with the Calculation of VAT Fields on Shipment Management Entries Page 

Known Issue

The Book Time Slot Functionality cannot be used with PODFather. This will be resolved once an updated version of the PODFather API has been released.


Version 1.2.1 (Released 10/02/22)

Change Type Description
Enhancement The Shipment Management Entries screen previously showed the Drop No., which was part of the index and related to the Entry No. of the related drop record. This was confusing as it looked like this could be the drop sequence number.  The caption of this field has been changed to 'Drop Entry No.' to reflect it's true purpose. A new calculated field has been added to the Shipment Entries page to show the actual drop sequence. The function to calculate the drop number has been made public to aid in integration scenarios.
Enhancement A new option has been added to the Shipment Management Report Selections to determine if the report options should be shown prior to printing a report. The default is not to show the options page.
Bug Fix Resolution of issue where a consolidated shipment stage could fail if the route contained a Purchase Return Order.
Bug Fix The following fields on the route card could show the wrong values if both picks and put-aways exist for the route:: Qty. On Pick Lines, Qty. On Put-away Lines, No. of Pick lines, No. of Put-away Lines.
Bug Fix The Shipping Agent Service Code field was not cleared when changing the Shipping Agent Code field on the Shipping Agent Usage and Charges page. This could result in an invalid Shipping Agent Service Code being applied to a document.


Version 1.2 (Released 25/01/22)

Change Type Description
Enhancement Support for Collections. Clever Shipment Management has new status types to support the handling of warehouse documents related to collections:
  • Create Receipts
  • Post Receipts
  • Create Put-aways
  • Print Put-aways
  • Register Put-aways
Enhancement Support for Transfer Orders
Enhancement Support for Sales Orders containing make-to-order production orders and assemble to order assembly orders.
Enhancement New wizard to simplify the setup of the status list.
Enhancement Status type list. Lists available status types to avoid having to know the processing codeunit. This is fully extensible to support custom status types.
Enhancement Improved status error handling. Each status can be set to either stop or proceed if an error occurs using the new ‘Error Policy’ field.
Enhancement Route status log. The new log function captures the start date and time of each status and any errors that occurred on that status irrespective of the new Error policy setting.
Enhancement Improved visual display of route status. The fact box now shows a visual display that makes the current status much easier to see for the end-user. Colour coding is all used everywhere to status is shown to make it clearer if an error has occurred.

Additional Checkpoint status types. The following new checkpoint status types are available:

  • Vehicle Assigned Check
  • Driver Assigned Check
  • Vehicle Weight Check
  • Outstanding Pick Lines Check
  • Outstanding Put-away Lines Check
  • Outstanding Warehouse Shipments Check
  • Outstanding Warehouse Receipt Line Check

Improved integration with Clever Handheld for Warehousing and standard warehouse documents. When posting/registering the following warehouse document types in either Clever Handheld for Warehousing or using standard Warehouse documents Clever Shipment Management will move the status on to the next status and respect the option on whether to process automatically if it is the last document related to the route:

  • Warehouse Shipments
  • Warehouse Receipts
  • Picks
  • Put-aways
  • Inventory Picks
  • Inventory Put-aways
Enhancement Clever shipment management will now respect the settings for Shipping Agent Integration and trigger the consignment when processing warehouse shipments.
Enhancement The full address of a drop can now be viewed from an action the drop list.
Enhancement A Bings maps representation of the route can be displayed from the Route List Card.
Enhancement Support for Variant Codes on Shipment Management Entries.
Enhancement The default filters on the route list have been improved. The location filter will now include all locations that the user is set-up to manage in the Warehouse Employees rather than just the default location. The default date filter will now show all routes earlier than todays’ date that have yet to be completed and it is possible to set a datefomula in the Shipment Management set-up to define the default forward window to view.
Enhancement Duplicate route warning. When moving a drop to a new route a check is now made to see if this would create a duplicate route.
Enhancement The total weight will now be highlighted red if the weight exceeds that of the vehicle. The Gross and Unladen Weight of the vehicle can now be recorded and used in weight checks.
Enhancement Improved filtering on the Move Lines action on the drop list. The dialog and filter options when selecting a route via the move lines function has been changed to improve usability.
Enhancement Improvements to show source document information on entries and drill-down on drops.
Enhancement A new factbox on the sales order and sales return order allows instant visibility of the shipment/collection date, route number, status and drop number.
Enhancement It is now possible to select a possible route from the sales order from available dates the route can be made as opposed to always being the next available date. This means it is possible to ship nearer or on the customer’s requested delivery date.
Enhancement It is now possible to set-up a matrix to default the Shipping Agent and Shipping Agent Service based on weight, volume, value and delivery address of the order.
Enhancement It is now possible to add shipping charge lines to a sales order depending on the selected Shipping Agent/Shipping Agent Service. New options on the Warehouse setup allow related shipping charges to be marked as shipped (and invoiced if appropriate) when shipping items from warehouse documents.
Enhancement The delivery schedules screen has been simplified for ease of use. Dates now can be viewed in a list or calendar format.
Enhancement Excluded dates can now be created on the delivery schedule. This is useful if days of the weeks are normally used in the delivery scheduled but certain dates should be excluded.
Enhancement It is now possible to block a vehicle from use whilst retaining information on when the vehicle was previously used.
Enhancement It is now possible to  see a list of all routes where the vehicle is currently used. This makes it easier to amend those routes if a vehicle is not available for use.
Enhancement The history of which routes a vehicle has been used on can now easily be seen from the vehicle record.
Enhancement Notes can now be recorded against a vehicle.
Enhancement It is now possible to block a driver from use whilst retaining information on when the driver was previously used.
Enhancement It is now possible to see a list of all routes where the driver is currently used. This makes it easier to amend those routes if a driver is not available for use.
Enhancement The history of which routes a driver has been used on can now easily be seen from the driver record.
Enhancement Notes can now be recorded against a driver.
Bug Fix Manifest Report is missing default Layout.
Bug Fix A Custom (free-entry) shipping address is not respected on a Sales Order.
Bug Fix Update Existing Documents Batch Job can miss certain documents.
Bug Fix Shipment Management needs to ignore drop shipments.
Bug Fix Delete Delivery Schedule to remove Schedule Dates.
Bug Fix Printing the Picks using the Print Pick Step does not actually print picks.
Bug Fix Issue with App Failing Validation Tests when extending Shipment Management.
Bug Fix When adding new lines to the Delivery Area Page, the 'Delivery Order' field should be being populated sequentially i.e. increment by 1 for each new line created. Currently it isn't working like that and it is assigning the 'Delivery Order' values in a different order.
Bug Fix Lookup to report ID in report selections only shows ID.
Bug Fix Not possible to create ID 1 on Delivery Schedule lines.
Bug Fix Strange Drop No. generated if you have multiple Drops on the same Shipment Management Route.
Bug Fix Remove Routes with No Drops.


Version 1.1.23 

Change Type Description
Enhancement Update App.Json


Version 1.1.22

Change Type Description
Enhancement Support Irish Post Codes


Version 1.1.21

Change Type Description
Enhancement Update ready status on setup change
Enhancement Historic routes
Enhancement Respect calendar customisation – non-working day to be a working day
Enhancement Update tests to run in sandbox container
Enhancement Convert custom sorting options to enums and add events into WhseSubscriptions codeunit to allow a custom subscriber to handle a custom value that has been added to the enum and updated the sorting sequence of the pick lines.
Enhancement Enforce licensing - Check/create a license when the Shipment Management Routes page is opened. Allow all other logic to run as usual, even in the absence of a license.
Enhancement Add Events On Calculating Weights/Volumes on Shipment Mgt. Entries
Enhancement Implement Reserve Inventory Status
Enhancement BC17 Compatibility
Enhancement Delivery schedule dates changed for deliveries outside of regular schedule
Enhancement Support Irish & French Postcodes
Bug Fix Switching back to Default Shipping Address does not update Del Area on Sales Line


Version 1.1.14

Change Type Description
Enhancement Respect Customer/Vendor Base Calendar when Scheduling if they have one, base calendar customizations are respected as well as the base calendar itself.


Version 1.1.12

Change Type Description
Enhancement Update Logo and Manifest for AppSource


Version 1.1.11

Change Type Description
Bug Fix Fix for postcode overflow error so customer orders that have a postcode of longer than 10 characters can be released to a shipment management route.
Bug Fix Fix to mixed drop entries that arise when moving lines from one route to another, if there is already a drop on the route for the same customer and the lines are moved this would create an extra drop on the route as opposed to grouping it onto the same drop no. Fix applied so it finds the existing drop and the shipment management entries under each drop number are for the correct destination number.


Version 1.1.10

Change Type Description
Enhancement New fields added to shipment management entries list page and available as flow fields to the Drop and Route records:
Enhancement Quantity (Base)

Amount Exc. VAT (LCY)

Amount inc. VAT (LCY)


Version 1.1.9

Change Type Description
Enhancement Control for Moving Lines/Drops - There is a new column on the Status List page to determine whether drops can be moved to/from a route when it is at this status.
Enhancement Print Documentation Including Incorrect Sales Shipments
Bug Fix Delivery Order Reset to 0 On Whse. Shipment Posting – this happens when the Posting Date of the Whse. Shipment is different to the Posting Date of the Sales Order(s). In that case, the Sales Order(s) are reopened and released by the standard posting routine which in turn deletes and recreates the Shipment Mgt. Drop records
Bug Fix A fix is in place for posting the warehouse shipment from the Shipment Mgt. Route list or card. This behaviour may persist if the warehouse shipment is posted from the Whse. Shipment card page.
Bug Fix Reverse delivery order is not sorting by bin code



Change Type Description
Enhancement Create Consolidated Whse. Shipment - Check whether any of the lines on the selected Route will be included on a Warehouse Shipment before creating the shipment header.



Change Type Description
Enhancement Process Non-Next Status Code Requires Shipment Management Supervisor - Extra controls have been introduced when attempting to process a status other than the next planned for a route (either by going to a previous status or selecting a different status in the factbox). Only supervisors – designated on their Warehouse Employee record – can process statuses other than the next.
Bug Fix Fix to processing of status codes from Shipment Mgt. Route FactBox
Bug Fix Destination No. populated on Shipment Management Entry records
Bug Fix Ready flag on Shipment Management Entry records respected in Amount (LCY) flow fields.
Bug Fix Handling of lines created/deleted during assembly BOM explosion


Version 1.1.8

Change Type Description
Enhancement Hide Status - Optionally hide status codes from the factbox with the Hide Status checkbox on the setup page.
Enhancement Process Automatically - The “Process Next Immediately” concept has been altered to “Process Automatically”. When ticked this status will be processed immediately the route is updated to it. This allows the user to chain several statuses together e.g. to include codeunits to perform checks on the route before posting documents.
Enhancement Linking Report Selections with Route Statuses - A new Status Code field on the Report Selection page allows reports to be linked to a given status code. The SM – Print Documentation codeunit will print records matching the current status code.
Enhancement  Custom Pick Sorting Includes Bin Code - Sorting by Delivery Order now also sorts by Bin Code within each set of pick lines that share the same delivery order.
Enhancement  Support for Printing Warehouse Activity Headers in Report Selections - Warehouse Activity Header can now be selected under the “Filter Report By” column on the Report Selection page. The report identified in the “Report ID” column will be filtered to print Warehouse Activity Header records which have at least one line included on the Route that is being printed.
Enhancement  Highlighting Status Path for Given Shipping Agent - The Route Status List page now includes a Shipping Agent Code field. When this is populated each status that is relevant to the selected agent is highlighted allowing the user to visualise the path through the statuses.