It is really simple to add Clever Document Links functionality to either your own custom pages or a page extension to the standard application for one of the few pages we haven’t put it on.

To add the factbox to a page you will need to follow the following steps.

  1. Add a factbox to the page or page extension as follows
    part(DLFileDropFactboxCDLTMN; "DL File Drop Factbox CDLTMN")
         ApplicationArea = All;
  2. Create either a new page trigger for OnOpenPage or add to the exist trigger as applicable:
    trigger OnOpenPage() 
  3. Create either a new page trigger for OnAfterGetCurrRecord() or add to the exist trigger as applicable:
    trigger OnAfterGetCurrRecord() 

Note: If you are adding the factbox to a page where the links may need to be copied to another record (For example, by a posting routine) you may need to add some additional code. See Copying, Deleting and Renaming Document Links for more information.