The Loading and Load Post Functions have been designed to be used as an extra step in your Warehouse processes which comes between Picking and Shipping

An example usage scenario could be where you are shipping items from your main Warehouse in order to replenish stock at a different Warehouse.  Multiple Loads are sent every day and the Warehouse Employees are continually picking the required stock. 

When the Picks are processed, the items will be placed into multiple different Containers within the Shipment area of your Warehouse where they will wait there until the Delivery Vehicle comes to collect them.  When they are then loaded onto the Delivery Vehicle, you can confirm which Containers have been loaded as they more than likely will not be loaded in the same order they were Picked.   

Once all Containers have been added to the Delivery Vehicle and it is ready to leave, you can then use the Load Post Function in order to Ship all loaded Containers in one go.

More information on how the Functions work can be found Loading Function and Load Post Function


When using the Functions, you will firstly need to complete some setup in order to tell the system where you would like to use the Loading functionality.  You can choose to Enable it at any of the below levels:

  • Shipment Bin - This option should be selected when you only want to load Containers which are being Shipped from a specific Bin
  • Transfer Route - This option should be selected when you only want to load Containers when they are being Shipped via a specific Transfer Route
  • Location - This option should be selected if you want to load Containers for all Shipments shipped from a Location.