With this Trade Plus feature we added the functionality to prevent the creation of Warehouse Shipment or Inventory Pick from "Sales Order" if the status is not Released.

There are two new fields added to the "Sales & Receivables Setup" page:

  • Prevent Inventory Pick for Unreleased Orders
  • Prevent Whse. Shipments for Unreleased Orders

If we set the Prevent Whse. Shipment for Unreleased Orders, we are getting error message on an Open "Sales Order" when we press the Create Warehouse Shipment action.

If the Prevent Whse. Shipment for Unreleased Orders field doesn't set, we can create a "Warehouse Shipment" as default and the "Sales Order" automatically released.

If the Prevent Inventory Pick for Unreleased Orders is TRUE, we are getting error message on an Open "Sales Order" when we press the Create Inventory Put-away/Pick action.

If the Prevent Inventory Pick  for Unreleased Orders is FALSE, we can create the "Inventory Pick" as default and the "Sales Order" automatically released.