If a Customer is going to be returning some Items to you and you have agreed to book in a collection for the return, the Sales Return Order Document can be used as the basis to create a Consignment for the Collection.  The Consignment can then be sent to the Shipping Agent and the required Shipping Labels will be generated for them to use.

Currently the only Shipping Agents that support collections are:

  • DHL Express
  • DPD
  • FedEx
  • Royal Mail
  • UPS

On the Sales Return Order document, the following Fields will need to be populated in order for the Consignment to be created successfully:


Once all the information has been populated, the Create Consignment button, located on the Home Tab of the Ribbon, can be selected in order to create the Consignment.

 The Consignment can then be processed in the normal way.


The only differences from a standard Consignment are that the Destination Type Field will be set to Return and the Destination No Field set to 00000.  The Consignment Documents Option may also contain any additional documents which have been sent from the Shipping Agent relating to the collection.