Accessing the "Quality Setup" page from the search bar will display a few options in the ribbon to assist Users when completing their setup. There are also numerous FastTabs to populate with the setup you want to use for your business process.
Please choose from the following articles within either the Ribbon or the FastTabs for instructions on how to complete these.
Default Configuration
Within the ribbon, there is also a Default Configuration option. This is a means of applying some basic data to the "Quality Setup" app which can be edited at a later date. When clicking the Default Configuration option, this will import a "Configuration Package" within BC for Code 'CQM'. When the Config package is installed, it also needs to be applied. You can either do this from the notification that appears within the "Quality Setup page after the Default Configuration has been installed, or directly within the "Config. Package Card".
The default information that has now been added into Business Central is:
- The creation of 3 new "No Series" codes, 'Q-Test' for Quality Tests, 'Q-Ord' for Quality Orders and 'Rework' for the Rework no series. These are also added automatically into the Numbering FastTab within the "Quality Setup" page. All 3 are created as Default No's within the "No Series" page.
- The "Quality Reason Code" 'Borderline' has been created within the Clever Quality app and ticked to use for Concessions.
- 4 "Quality Tracking Code Statuses" have been imported; 'Concession, 'Failed; 'In Process' and 'Passed'. 'Failed' is marked as 'True' for Block Lot No, Block Serial No and Allow Reclassifications. All of these can be changed if necessary.
- The above "Quality Tracking Code Statuses" have been automatically assigned to the Lot Tracking and Serial Tracking fields within "Quality Setup".
- Compliance Validator field in "Quality Setup" set to 'False'. This means that the Vendor Compliance section of Clever Quality is turned off to ensure you complete setup prior. Changing this to 'True' will then switch on the Vendor compliance functionality, checking all Purchase Orders on 'Release' to see if "Vendor Compliance Documents" exist.
- Set the 2 Document Links fields within "Quality Setup", Copy from Check to Test and Copy from Test to Order both to 'True'. Using these now transfers any Document links from the "Quality Checks" to the "Quality Tests" and "Quality Tests" directly to the "Quality Orders".