When setting up application for the first time. you can choose to apply a default configuration. You may do this either from the welcome page, the assisted setup or from the Comments setup page.
The default configuration will create the following data:
Comment Types
The following new comment types will be created. These are designed to cover common scenarios and can be either amended or deleted as required.
- CUST-DEL-INST - Customer Delivery Instructions
Comments for delivery instructions for customers. These will be inherited to the sales order and then to the respective Warehouse Shipment or Inventory Pick documents.
- CUST-NOTIFY - Customer Comment (With Notify on Sales Documents)
Comments for customers. These will be inherited to sales documents and the user notified of the comment.
- ITEM-INHERIT - Item (Inherit to Sales Documents)
Comments for items. These will be inherited to the sale line of documents for the related item. Users will not be notified.
- SHIP-ADDR-DEL-INST - Ship-to Address Delivery Instructions
Comments for delivery instructions for customer ship-to addresses. These will be inherited to the sales order and then to the respective Warehouse Shipment or Inventory Pick documents.
- VEND-NOTIFY - Vendor Comments (With Notify on Purchase Documents)
Comments for vendors. These will be inherited to purchase documents and the user notified of the comment.