Using Clever Labelling you have the ability to use native Business Central reports, Bartender and Loftware to produce labels that you wish to use throughout your supply chain processes.

For each type of method you are able to create and modify the design of the label from within the Clever Labelling solution, by selecting the Open Designer action from the Label Design menu within the "Clever Label Designs" screen. 

Note: to use the Label Design feature for either Bartender or Loftware you will first need to setup the Integration to the relevant 3rd Party labelling platform, as documented here.

Business Central Label Design

As part of the Default Configuration package you are provided with a range of Label Designs that use Business Central Word Layouts for reporting, which provide you with label designs that you can begin to use straight away without any requirement to design how the label should appear. 

You can create new label designs to better suit your business requirements by using standard Business Central Custom Report Layout functionality (creating these using the Copy option as detailed here) and when you use the Open Designer option you will be presented with the "Custom Report Layouts" that are applicable to the selected report. From the "Custom Report Layout" screen you can export/import the Word layout as required. 

Bartender Label Design

With Bartender Cloud you must first create labels from within the Bartender Cloud Label Portal, but once you have setup a "Clever Label Design" and selected the relevant External Label Design Name, you can open the report designer using the Open Designer action from the Label Design menu. Upon doing so, you can login to Bartender and you will be taken immediately to the label design feature, an example of which is shown here for reference. 

Before you are able to print labels using Bartender design, you must first define what Data will be passed from Business Central to Bartender, to essentially map the Bartender Data Sources to the data held within Business Central. For more information on completing the Data Item setup follow the instructions here

Loftware Label Design

With Loftware Cloud, you will first need to create your label designs outside of Business Central using the Loftware Label editing solution (which will not be detailed here) before you can then select them for use within the "Clever Label Designs" screen inside of Business Central.

From the "Clever Label Designs" screen you can choose the label design using the External Label Design Name attribute (which will provide a lookup the Labels available from your Loftware account, via the Loftware Integration) and once selected you can open the Loftware Designer application (if you have it installed on the local computer on which you are accessing Business Central) using the Open Designer action from the Label Design menu. Upon doing so you will be taken to the Loftware Designer application and the label design will be opened, an example of which is shown below.