When trying to locate the correct tool you may wish to search for or restrict the tool list according to characteristics, such as physical dimensions and tool type. To achieve this, you can assign tool attribute values of different types to your tools, which can then be used when searching for tools.
You can also assign tool attributes to tool categories, which then apply to the tools that use the tool categories.
Choose the icon, enter Tool Attributes, and then choose the related link. On the Tool Attributes page, choose the New action. On the Tool Attribute page, fill in the fields as necessary.
Note: If you select Option in the Type field, you can choose the Tool Attribute Values action to create values for the tool attribute. |
Choose the icon, enter Tool Attributes, and then choose the related link. On the Tool Attributes page, select a tool attribute of type Option that you want to create values for, and then choose the Tool Attribute Values action. On the Tool Attribute Values page, fill in the fields as necessary.
Choose the icon, enter Tools, and then choose the related link. On the Tools page, select the tool that you want to assign tool attributes to, and then choose the Attributes action. On the Tool Attribute Values page, choose the New action. Choose the lookup button in the Attribute field and select an existing tool attribute, alternatively, choose the New action to first create a new tool attribute. In the Value field, enter the tool attribute value, such as "2020" for the Year Purchased attribute.
For tool attributes of type Option, choose the lookup button in the Value field and select a tool attribute value. Alternatively, choose the New action to first create a new tool attribute value.
Choose the icon, enter Tool Categories, and then choose the related link. On the Tool Categories page, select the tool category that you want to assign tool attributes to, and then choose the Edit action. On the tool Category Card page, on the Attributes FastTab, choose the New action. Choose the lookup button in the Attribute field and select an existing tool attribute. Alternatively, choose the New action to first create a new tool attribute. In the Default Value field, choose the lookup button and select a tool attribute value.
Note: Tool attributes for parent tool categories will be inherited to child tool categories. This is indicated by the Inherited From field on the Attributes FastTab. |
Filter by tool attributes
On the tools list it is possible to filter by toll attributes to make it easier to find the tool required.
On the Tools list page, choose the Filter by Attributes action. On the Filter Tools by Attribute page, choose the lookup button in the Attribute field and select a tool attribute. In the Value field, choose the lookup button and select an attribute value to filter tools by.
Note: You can only select values directly for tool attributes that have fixed values, such as Manufacturer. For tool attributes that have variable values, such as Height, you must specify the tool attribute value by first selecting a condition. See step 5. |
In the Value field for a variable tool attribute, choose the lookup button. On the Specify Filter Value page, in the Condition field, choose the drop-down arrow and select a condition. In the Value field, enter an attribute value to filter tools by.
Example: To filter on tools where the tool type begins with "Mould," fill in the fields as follows: Attribute field: 'Type', Condition field: 'Begins With', Value field: 'Mould'. |
The tools on the Tools page are filtered by the specified tool attribute values.