As part of setting up Clever Data Validation you can control whether you wish to perform validation checks when any of the supported Documents (as defined during the setup process) have there Status set to Released

For any Document against which you have an active "Data Validation Template" the behaviour of Clever Data Validation is consistent and from a user perspective there should be no change in the business process that you follow. Put simply, when you change perform the release process on a supported Document and you have setup the system to check on release, the relevant checks on the data within the Document will be performed and if there are any issues then the Document shall be prevented from being Released and the data issues will be shown to the user in the normal manner. 

Data Validation with Workflows

If you have Workflow Templates enabled for your Documents (such as a Purchase Order Approval Workflow) then with Clever Data Validation enabled for the Document, the data validation checks will be performed prior to the Approval process being triggered. 

This is so that a document is not submitted through the Workflow process if it would fail the release process, due to data issues, once fully approved. 

Note: data validation checks will only be triggered if, for the Document Type, you have setup the relevant Check on Release feature.