When working with external labelling solutions such as Bartender or Loftware the information printed on the labels will be fed from Business Central into the relevant label design template using the built-in integration functionality that is included with Clever Labelling.

For any "Clever Label Design" that uses Bartender or Loftware (identified by the Design Type field) you must setup the data attributes which will be interfaced to the relevant platform for each label. 

From the Label Design menu, select the Data Items option which will open the "Label Design Data Items" screen, an example of which is shown below.

For each attribute you wish to show on the Label Design the following information can be specified. 

Name This value must match the name of the Data Source attribute within the label design software

The Type controls how the Data Item will be retrieved, with the following options being available.

  • Field - defines that the value will come from the table identified as the Source Table Name of the "Clever Label Design" record
  • Lookup - is used when you want to retrieve a value from a table that is linked to the Source Table Name (using the Lookup Data Source Name attribute) record by one or more related fields as setup using the Relationship attribute. E.g. you can use this Type to enable you to use the Description from the "Item" record for the Item No. specified on an "Item Ledger Entry" record
  • Sum - allows you to sum up Integer/Decimal values from a linked table using the same method as you would use for a Lookup field 
  • -Sum - this works the same way as Sum, but after retrieving the value it will be inverted, which is useful for some types of data held within Business Central
Lookup Data Source Name Will provide a list of Tables that are available within Business Central and is relevant when the Type is either Lookup, Sum or -Sum
Column Name Using the lookup functionality, this field will show a list of fields from either the source table of the "Clever Label Design" (where the Type is Field) or the fields from the Lookup Data Source Name table when the Type has been set to Lookup, Sum or -Sum

When using Lookup, Sum or -Sum as the Type and where the Lookup Data Source Name has been specified, the Relationship attribute will define the data relationship used to link the Source Table Name of the "Clever Label Design" to the Lookup Data Source Name table record(s). 

You can define the Relationship(s) using the Relationships menu option, as is detailed in the section below.

Data Item Relationships

As documented above, with Clever Labelling you are able to use attributes from more than one table that can then be included in the Dataset which is interfaced to a 3rd Party Labelling solution, such as Bartender or Loftware.

To define the relationship between the table records defined through the Source Table Name and Lookup Data Source Name you will use the "Clever Label Relationship" screen which is accessed from the Relationships option of the menu and is shown below.

You are able to define multiple rules for how the source record is linked to a lookup record(s) by specifying the following information.

Relationship Type

This field has two options that allow you to set the basis for the rule that is applicable to the relationship.

  • Field should be used when you want to tell the system that the Field Value from the Source Table Name record must be the same as the Relation Value value from the Lookup Data Source Name record(s). 
  • Constant can be used where you will manually enter a specific value (in the Relation Value field) that the Linked Table value must match
Field Name Specify the field from the main Data Item record (Source Table Name) to be used in the relationship link
Relation Value

When the Relationship Type is set to Field, you are able to select the field from the relation table (Lookup Table Name) to be used in the relationship link. 

Where the Relationship Type is set to Constant you will manually enter a value that will be used to filter the records in the Lookup Table Name