When setting up application for the first time, you can choose to apply a default configuration. You may do this either from the welcome page, the assisted setup or from the Data Validation Setup page.
The default configuration will create the following data:
Data Validation Templates
Three basic Data Validation Templates will be created for common scenarios. These may be amended or deleted depending on your requirements. Please refer to the Data Validation Templates Page for more information.
- CUST-BASIC - Customers (Basic)
This data validation templates ensures that certain key fields must be entered on the customer record. The template will consider the following fields as mandatory:
- Name
- VAT Registration No.
- Customer Posting Group
- Gen. Bus. Posting Group
- VAT Bus. Posting Group
- VEND-BASIC - Vendors (Basic)
This data validation templates ensures that certain key fields must be entered on the vendor record. The template will consider the following fields as mandatory:
- Name
- Vendor Posting Group
- Gen. Bus. Posting Group
- VAT Bus. Posting Group
- ITEM-BASIC - Items (Basic)
This data validation templates ensures that certain key fields must be entered on the item record. The template will consider the following fields as mandatory:
- Description
- Base Unit of Measure
- Inventory Posting Group
- Gen. Prod. Posting Group
- VAT Prod. Posting Group.
Standard Data Formats
The following Standard Data Formats will be created. These can be used to check the format of fields in your data validation templates. Please refer to the Standard Data Formats Page for more information.
- BANK_ACCOUNT_UK_8 - Bank Account Number (UK) (8 Digits)
- BANK_ACCOUNT_UK_ALL - Bank Account Number (UK) (7 or 8 Digits)
- BANK_SORT_CODE_UK - Bank Sort Code (UK)
- COMPANY_REG_NO_UK -Company Registration No. (UK)
- DRIVING_LICENSE_UK - Driving License (UK)
- EMAIL_ADDRESS - EMail Address
- IBAN_CH - International Bank Account Number (Switzerland)
- IBAN_CZ - International Bank Account Number (Czech Republic)
- IBAN_DE - International Bank Account Number (Germany)
- IBAN_ES - International Bank Account Number (Spain)
- IBAN_FR - International Bank Account Number (France)
- IBAN_IT - International Bank Account Number (Italy)
- IBAN_NL - International Bank Account Number (Netherlands)
- IBAN_PL - International Bank Account Number (Poland)
- IBAN_SE - International Bank Account Number (Sweden)
- IBAN_UK - International Bank Account Number (UK)
- NI_NUMBER_UK - National Insurance Number (UK)
- PHONE_NUMBER_DE - Phone Number (Germany)
- PHONE_NUMBER_FR - Phone Number (France)
- PHONE_NUMBER_NL - Phone Number (Netherlands)
- PHONE_NUMBER_SE - Phone Number (Sweden)
- PHONE_NUMBER_UK - Phone Number (UK)
- POST_CODE_AU - Post Code (Australia)
- POST_CODE_BE - Post Code (Belgium)
- POST_CODE_CA - Post Code (Canada)
- POST_CODE_CH - Post Code (Switzerland)
- POST_CODE_DE - Post Code (Germany)
- POST_CODE_DK - Post Code (Denmark)
- POST_CODE_ES - Post Code (Spain)
- POST_CODE_FR - Post Code (France)
- POST_CODE_IT - Post Code (Italy)
- POST_CODE_NL - Post Code (Netherlands)
- POST_CODE_NO - Post Code (Norway)
- POST_CODE_UK - Post Code (UK)
- SWIFT_NUMBER - Swift Number
Important: The standard data formats provided in the default configuration are for your convenience and were correct at the time they were created. Data formats change over time and you should test that they meet your requirements. |