Non-Conformances can be accessed from the Search feature as highlighted in red below.

The "Non-Conformances List" page will then be displayed. If you have any open Non Conformance, they will be shown here.

General FastTab

No represents the "No Series" being used for the Non-Conformance along with your Description confirming the issue you have documented. All other information is pulled directly from the Non-Conformance card and detailed below.

To create a new Non-Conformance, click on the +New option in the ribbon. 

You have the option to choose a Type for the Non-Conformance. The options here are 'Customer', Vendor' or 'Internal'. This is auto-populated (excluding for 'Internal') if created from a "Quality Order", dependant on the Source Document type. For example, if creating a Non-Conformance from a "Quality Order" that was created from a "Purchase Receipt", the Type would automatically be populated with 'Vendor' because this is the most relevant option. It can be overwritten in that instance or chosen on manual non Conformances. 

Non Conformances can be created directly for Type 'Customer' from:

  • Customer
  • Posted Sales Shipment
  • Posted Sales Invoice
  • Posted Sales Credit Memo
  • Posted Sales Return Receipt
  • Posted Service Shipment
  • Posted Service Invoice
  • Posted Service Credit Memo
  • Quality Order

Non Conformances can be created directly for Type 'Vendor' from:

  • Vendor
  • Posted Purchase Receipt
  • Posted Purchase Invoice
  • Posted Purchase Credit Memo
  • Posted Return Shipment
  • Quality Order

Non Conformances can be created directly for Type 'Internal' from:

  • User
  • Location
  • Fixed Asset
  • Machine Centre
  • Work Centre
  • Item
  • Resource
  • Production BOM
  • Routing
  • Service Item
  • Internal Document

For Severity, you can choose from the dropdown either 'Low', 'Medium' or 'High'. This isn't used in connection with anything else in Business Central, it is simply for reporting. The Status field shows the current status of the Non Conformance. 

The Assigned User ID mandatory dropdown field is where you can select the User the Non Conformance is assigned to/who is responsible for it. (Note- as this is a chart available on the Quality Role Center, you may want to utilise this field to show the User who will be completing the Tasks as opposed to the one overseeing the Non Conformance). Where Default User ID is populated on either the "Non Conformance Categories" or "Non Conformance Sub Categories" pages are populated, when these fields are populated on the "Non Conformance card", the Assigned User ID will use that default User. 

The Target Resolution Date auto-populates showing the estimated date the non conformance is to be resolved by. This is calculated from the “Default resolution Calculation” formula stated in the Non-Conformance FastTab within the "Quality Setup" page. 

Source Code is a mandatory dropdown field for you to select the Source Code which relates to this non conformance. These are the ones you have already pre-defined. 

The Category Code field is mandatory to select the Category code that applies to this non conformance. The Sub category code is also mandatory to select the Sub Category code that applies to this non conformance. 

The Tasks Complete toggle will be marked as done (and change to grey) once all the tasks are marked as complete for the Non Conformance. Only once the Tasks are all marked as done will the Non-Conformance be closed.

Related FastTab

Dependant upon which Type was chosen in the General FastTab may impact some of the field names within this section. 

For 'Customer' and 'Vendor' Non Conformances, a Customer No/Vendor no field can be populated (if not auto-populated) to confirm the Customer or Vendor the Non Conformance relates to. This will automatically populate the Customer/Vendor Name field. 

For 'Internal' Non Conformances, firstly an Internal Type can be chosen. 

The Vendor No field auto-populates when creating from a Vendor related document. Populate this if blank. The Vendor Name field will populate once the Vendor No field is populated.

Document Type is a dropdown field that will show the options below. This can be populated if the Non Conformance relates to an existing document in Business Central and you want to connect the 2 together.

  • Sales Shipment - this will error if selected
  • Sales Invoice - this will error if selected
  • Purchase Receipt 
  • Purchase Invoice 

The Document No is used in conjunction with the Document Type field so once this is populated, the Document No field dropdown will display the associated Document Numbers that can be selected for this NC to relate to. If one is selected, a message will appear asking if you want to Copy the lines from the selected document into the Lines Fasttab of the Non Conformance. When the Document Type and Document No are populated, there is an option in the Ribbon, in Related, to “Open Related Document”. This will open up the Document No you have selected which can be used to check the original data and shows they are linked.

The Corrective Document Type and Corrective Document No fields are greyed out and will auto-populate when the Create Corrective Document has been clicked in the ribbon. This will show what document type and No have been chosen to correct this Non Conformance. For more information on these, select it from the menu. The Posted Corrective Document No field will auto-populate when the corrective document has been posted. This will show what Posted Document No has been created for this Non Conformance.

Finally the External Reference field holds 50 characters for an additional reference word/description that can be stored against this Non Conformance.