As part of the Clever Manufacturing Plus solution, also provides new features to allow you to change the way you can view BOMs and Routings within Dynamics 365 Business Central, essentially enabling you to view the Active Version of the BOM or Routing without having to navigate to the Version lists. 

From the "Manufacturing Setup" screen a new FastTab is available (called Views) which has the following options. 

Production BOM View

The following options are available to control what the user is shown when accessing the Production BOM screen from the Production BOMs list

  • Original Production BOM - when this is set the standard Production BOM will be shown as is the case with standard Business Central
  • Active Version - if this is set then when you open the Production BOM screen, the active version will be shown. This could be the original Production BOM or a Production BOM Version, if the Starting Date makes a version the active Production BOM
Production By-Product View

The following options are available to control what the user is shown when accessing the Production By-Product screen from the Production By-Products list

  • Original Production By-Products - when this is set the Production By-Product shown will be the originally created version
  • Active Version - if this is set then when you open the Production By-Product screen, the active version will be shown. This could be the original Production By-Product or a Production By-Product Version, if the Starting Date makes a version the active Production By-Product
Routing View

The following options are available to control what the user is shown when accessing the Production Routing screen from the Production Routings list

  • Original Routing - when this is set the standard Production Routing will be shown as is the case with standard Business Central
  • Active Version - if this is set then when you open the Production Routing, the active version will be shown. This could be the original Production Routing or a Production Routing Version, if the Starting Date makes the a version the active Production Routing

In addition to the different view capabilities, for Production BOMs, Production Routings and Production By-Products a new FactBox is available to show the Versions that have been created for each record, allowing you to see, at a glance, whether any variations of setup are in place. The FactBox is available from both the List and Card screens within Business Central.